I'm leavin on a jet plane...

Feb 25, 2006 13:55

Going to Houston to help my uncle move to NY. Flying one way down, driving a truck back...should be interesting. I may print out a few resumes and bring them with me...drop them off at a few choice places while i'm down there. Couldn't hurt eh? I cant wait to get out of this city for a few days. I'm flyin out on Tues. March 7th and driving back at the end of that week. I was thinking about it last night...the last time i was down there was the week that my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I flew down there, drove to NJ with my uncle, picked up the shit he had in storage, drove back and i then flew back to Ny in a matter of 5-6 days...the drive from houston to NJ was 24hrs straight through...1600 miles on the dot. God i miss those guys. I cant wait to see them again.

Another yummy whop dinner created the other night...

home made meat sauce (more meat than sauce)

cheeze raviolis and a lot of garlic

store bought cheeze/garlic bread...(pepridge farm i think)

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