"Computer game players slip into the same "zone" as athletes preparing for a race, research has found.
This distorts their sense of time and makes them forget basics such as eating or going to the toilet. Like athletes, gamers in that state - technically known as "flow" - had no mental space for irrelevant thoughts, said Steven Pace, a senior lecturer in multimedia at Central Queensland University.
Flow can kick in during chess or crosswords but computer games - especially real-time strategy games such as World of Warcraft (WoW) - are more enticing because they engage the senses as well as the intellect.
"If you try talking to someone experiencing flow while playing on a computer game, you'll just get a grunt," Dr Pace said. "I think flow holds the key to telling us what makes engaging experiences on the computer."
http://www.theage.com.au/news/breaking/gamers-are-flowing-into-the-zone/2006/01/19/1137553687788.html So it isn't just
Silv3rfish.. 'The Grunt' is a universal thing!