
Jul 03, 2008 15:51

Tomorrow is College Day! I was contemplating whether to go, cos if i dont, i will be missing school for two days in a row. But i just looked at my timetable and it tells me not to go. All i have is GSC and math lect and freaking long and useless breaks and i dont even know if theres lessons tomorrow because apparently there's suppose to be this carnival. I'm not sure. I dont know anything thats going on in school. I'm as oblivious as ever.

Anyway went out with lil' dongbang clique yesterday! Nothing much exciting happened though, its was the normal chatting and spazzing. OH and yeah Chloe told me the storyline to her Pandora's Box. I can only say, she's either clever or sick in the mind.  Or both. xD

And since everyone is saying how fabulous T concert was, i finally found the link to dl the full concert instead of parts and cuts, and i put my 2 years of clubbox downloading mileage to good use and its gonna be done in approx 3 mins! It took me about 2 hours only for 1.4gb! =DDDD Normal download would have taken me days. I saw some perf under the pressure of kelly and chloe, and wow, its really quite fantastic.
Eat their dust you stupid Lollipops and popsicles.

OOH and yesterday i wanted to watch some dvd in my room, so i took my mum's old laptop which i cant figure out how to connect to wireless. Anyway yeah so while i was looking for the volume's button, i found the button to enable wireless connection!! Woot! From now on i can camp in my room to surf net. xDDDD I'm not sure if this is a good thing though lol.

The most random thing i found out backtracking in fandom today is....Kangin had a kickoff with Ronaldinho. WTF?! HAHAHHA! I bet the others like Hyuk and Junsu must be so jealous. LOL.

Ahhhh i hate being sick la. Stupid nose and throat.

life, dbsk, random

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