I'm tryin' to blog.

Jul 26, 2008 21:46

Clark and Catalpa.
Chicago is now my home.
It's weird! Slash awesome.

I live in a pretty rad apartment in a pretty rad little neighborhood, with pretty much the raddest roommate of all. Currently we are both extremely broke, so we spend a lot of time sitting around with a crossword puzzle, a sudoku, and a bottle of five-dollar wine. (I also spend a lot of time cleaning, but this is neither new nor surprising behavior on my part.)

Clark and Forest.
In the week that I been here, I already miss a lot of random things about Minneapolis: the silhouette of the light rail train along the faux stained glass at the Lake Street Midtown station; my tea shop smell; the perpetually unreliable 21A. And I already have a lot of new favorites: my half-soy cold press from the coffee shop around the corner; the friendly, unassuming bell of the guy who pushes his ice cream cart down my street twice a day; the 12%, highest-in-the-nation sales tax. OH WAIT, just kidding about the last one.

My only apprehension is that I have yet to hear back from any one of the approximately 34809 jobs for which I have applied, so I am slightly antsy and restless about my current state of unemployment. I should probably remind myself to calm down - it has only been one week, after all, and I have a degree and experience to boot, so it should only be a matter of time before I hear back from somebody. I hope. In the meantime, I have questionable cooking experiments, the RedEye's daily double page, and frequent strolls along Clark Street to keep me occupied. Weird. Slash awesome.
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