Update-u, update-u, update-u.

Dec 31, 2007 16:18

(Really, Beyoncé should change the name of that song, because she definitely says "upgrade ya", and not "upgrade u", as the title suggests. But anyway.)

Hello, LJ!

Last week, I received a bunch of lovely Christmas cards and things from you lovely people, which made me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy, as well as rather a bit guilty for not posting an update since the beginning of November (oh my!). So. A small life update follows:

    work things
    In November I started a new job at a super cute tea shop, which I am rather enjoying; it is mellow and laid-back, and my coworkers are all fabulous (and though I still find it 100% hilarious that Elly and I are coworkers, and that I refer to her as "Eleanor", which I have never done in all of our ten-year friendship, it is super nice that I get to see her more often). Also, all of the (hundreds of kinds of) tea I can drink during a shift? SO AWESOME.

    school things
    The last month of fall term seemed to drag out forever for me, probably because I finished my portfolios relatively early on in the semester (amazing!) and spent so much time tweaking each photo after the fact that I got totally sick of looking at them. Currently I am sorting through the multitude of CDs and DVDs (because I am 100% obsessive and back up all of my work like three times over), and as I go through it I am realizing that not all of it is so awful and sickening after all. (Speaking of obsessive, my "refreshing at ten minute intervals" routine paid off late last week when I was pleasantly surprised to see the right-hand column of my grades page displaying the letter "A" in each row. Hooray!)

    My schedule for next term is all kinds of awesome. I've only got class two days a week, leaving me ample time to get things done in the studio and whatnot. (Well, that is the theory, anyway.)

      9:00 am - 10:15 am: art history (modern to contemporary)
      1:40 pm - 4:30 pm: media business
      5:30 pm - 8:00 pm: fashion photography

      9:00 am - 10:15 am: art history (modern to contemporary)
      12:00 pm - 3:45 pm: portfolio development and presentation
    I am also taking an internship, for which the head of our department recommended a couple of photographers to contact, so I am currently putting together some self-promo pieces in preparation for meeting with them. Meeting with them would first, of course, involve me picking up the phone and calling them, which I am also currently gearing myself up to do. (Ah, scary!)

    life things
    The past couple of months' concentration of "life things" were heavily comprised of "school things" and "work things" (seriously: I spent so much time on campus that I finally quit bringing my essentials - my coffee mug and my toothbrush - back and forth with me every day and just left them in my locker box at the photo studio for easy access), so I am hard pressed to find anything significant that happened outside of those realms to tell you about. I got addicted to Facebook, and I discovered a totally amazing hand cream from the Lush store at Macy's, and I added approximately three new messenger bags to my already excessive collection. I can't stop listening to the Gotan Project, I have a newfound love for cranberry scones, and I am still incredibly outraged that Mel B. lost "Dancing with the Stars". Also, SPEAKING OF WHICH: I am going to Chicago in February, as Nathan and I are seeing the SPICE GIRLS there. (I AM RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS, it is unnatural.)

So, yes. I now face a curling iron and a fairly uncomfortable (but totally adorable) pair of flats in preparation for ringing in the new year, which I am looking forward to with excitement for all of the unknown and wonderful(-ly terrifying) things it will bring.

Happy New Year to you!
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