Halloween cometh

Oct 26, 2013 11:04

It was 5 months apart that Grum & Aunt Ann died. Wake and funeral went fine. Unexpected car expense while I was up there (front tirod!) but at least it was caught before it totally broke and I got in an accident.

Halloween cometh. This Sunday is the Woburn Halloween Parade in which my husband's Mason's lodge participates. It is great and we usually go as spectators since everyone under age 15 dresses in costume of some sort for it and adults aren't looked at oddly for also joining in. This year my costume is again Alice in Wonderland, but I bought a proper dress for it. Sebastian is Captain America. Marcus is the Mad Hatter. We'll all be in the parade this year... which I have mixed feelings about. I do not miss having to be in the memorial day or fourth of July parade every year when I was a kid (ages7-14) so I'm not looking forward to it, but I am trying to not think about how cold it will be and how much I'd rather be in my normal Sunday routine instead and see it as a "pay it forward" or pay it back for having gone with my son (and last year my in-laws!) and watch.

Halloween is also my personal mark for "one month left to Christmas shop". I prefer to be done with gift getting by Thanksgiving and have the vast majority of stuff already at my mom's and wrapped so Christmas travel is easier for myself. This year I "over got" for my niece... I forgot until Yesterday that we bought her a board game when we were in Colorado (so we would save the cost of shipping it.) Whoops! Just means the other toy/game I bought will go to my cousin's daughter instead. Problem is that I have no idea what to get my father or grandfather and really really want to buy my son about $300 worth of legos. Legos are awesome and they have a "Winter Village" that Sebastian and I both want... but it's $100. I'm just a kid at heart. At least I talked my mom into getting him the books with accompanying CDs for Christmas so he'll get at least one gift that isn't Lego. The fact that Lego now does Star Wars Lego sets means that we're all back to wanting to build in earnest. *sigh*
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