Feb 23, 2011 11:01
A younger friend of mine whom I thought was back stateside is actually still in Afghanistan. When I thought he came home they actually just changed locations within the country. They won't be leaving until at least June.
Jon is a sweetheart. The kind fun-loving little boy he was at age 10 he hasn't ever lost.
I want to know if anyone out here wants to join me in sending him & his pals mail? If so I will share his address with you, just let me know. Regardless how you feel about the military & their overseas stuff, they are still Americans far from home, with their lives in danger, missing their families & friends. An interesting postcard, a short story, a small package of goodies... all help keep these brave men & women a little more grounded, make the promise that "home" still exists a little more real.
Just think about it. If you're not interested that's fine. I'm not interested in why I should or shouldn't be doing this. I only want to know if anyone else wants the address.