12:00 January 20, 2009

Jan 20, 2009 11:39

Welcome President Obama

May you find a cause worthy to call us all to embrace.
May your daughters remind you daily of the core of your responsibility to America.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
-Native American Proverb

It's our duty as Americans to stay involved.
2008 stirred many people awake, I only hope that we stay awake, become more vigilant, become more active and stop passing the buck. I called more congressional offices in 2008 alone than I had in all previous years combined. If every desenting voice had, I suspect the bailout would have turned out differently.
And I would like, as I have always hoped since I was 12, that those who are truly apathetic are drowned out by the voices of the hopeful and active before the apathy rubs off and blows out the lights of hope and efforts. The world can no longer thrive in a state of apathy. I pray for better than apathy for my son. In just 11 months he has reminded more than just myself that life moves forward whether we are prepared for it or not. I don't appreciate that my generation is now saddled with more mess from those who have come before us, and I hope that we are inventive, intelligent and persevere to clean up more than we dirty before my son is our age.


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