This carnival thing wasn't too bad at all. I snapped some shots on my phone while I was there, and they're pretty goddamn inspirational. Figured there'd be some of you who'd be interested. Y'know, if you missed the highlight of the
hotdog eating competition. (
Very, very public photos )
You're supposed to put in a request for leave. Not just say that you're goin'. If you just leave you're gonna get fined.
And if you ain't noticed, Bulba's been doin' better in the past few days.
Have you seen him in Ivysaur form lately?
No, I ain't seen him. Why?
I only had two requirements: you don't come before Red, and you don't come before the Garden. I made that bit clear. Plus, you forgot t'mention that chain of command stuff when you explained the contract... S'not like I've ever had a job before, what do I know.
You can ask Bulba 'bout that other stuff yourself.
It's for your garden thing, and I said that I'd let you go for that sorta thing. But because this ain't an emergency, so your pay's gonna get docked. Next time you want a week off, ask for it a couple of weeks before you want to take time off and I can get the paperwork moved through to get you paid vacation time.
And Bulba, why should I see you as a venusaur?
Or anywhere on campus, for that matter.
Wait. I asked about seein' you as a venusaur and you didn't correct me.
Where did you get that idea from?!
Secrets you are fuckawful at keeping.
You're probably lucky I didn't type bulbasaur by accident.
I'm talkin' on Vinnie's journal and half of what I'm sayin' is to him and he's a venusaur. I'm just gettin' my pokemon names crossed, I guess.
And Bulba ain't bad at keepin' secrets.
SO when am I talkin' to you and where.
Whatever I guess we can get this over with today if you're not busy. Uh. Anywhere not here. You're loud.
Keepin' it was hurtin' Bulba more every time I saw him and hurtin' me every time I saw him alone and without an answer. Maybe the answer hurt, too, but I wasn't gonna keep him from the one thing that would let him get over it.
Pullin' a bullet out on the field when you ain't got anestictics (I dunno how to spell that word) hurts like hell, but you can't leave the bullet in. It's gotta come out. Bulba had a bullet in his shoulder that he didn't know was there. All I did was tell him he had a bullet and where it was. I couldn't take it out for him. But he needed to know it was there.
And Bulba, I'm sorta... still tryin' to finish this godawful physics homework thing so maybe you could meet me for dinner and we can talk over dinner 'cause I ain't got any free time until Friday because of this stupid homework packet.
Yeah that'd be fine. Uh, if you've got any questions about the homework I can help you out with those too. Just let me know later and I'll meet you there.
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