Aug 16, 2004 12:32
Well heres a nice update for those who read it...
Satuday-got up got on here went upstairs cleaned up my room a bit hopped in the shower got dressed and stuff and called B cause she came home from TX after 8 months..met her outside talked for a few moments then she left...then went to pay my bill came home and Tabi and Kaycee arrived..after that I toured them around the house for a few...then we started working on the Welcome home sign...Kaycee did cool funky letters and Tabi and I painted...I got a bad headache offa the paint fumes..:( after that I went got ready and we headed down to the club..then Kristin and I hung it up...we sat there for a bit then rfr came :) I missed those boys to no end...then other ppl started coming cool stuff...then RFR played...Tabi promised me she'd watch them with I taped them...then i went back to my chair at the door...i dont remember alot of stuff its kind of a blur...i remember wings coming in...and I remember talking to Meg...I like jumped on her as soon as she walked in...I missed them SOOOO much...I'm glad they're home for a while...I watched CV (with tabi cause she watched rfr with me) and Wings up front...:) cool stuff...then after we took some stuff down and blarg like that...I don't remember much but I remember some...I remember saying bye to rfr...and i remember being outside on the steps getting ready to pass out because i had a headache...and Justin asked me what was wrong and kinda thats it...and I remember talking to Ryan...pretty much thats it...then I went to ENP with Kristin Donald Marissa Nichelle and Niki...then I remember coming home and getting on the computer...and i have no idea how i ended up in my bed...all in all...saturday was probably the best night of my life besides warped and my suprise b-day..
Yesterday went to babas fixed das computer went shopping came home watched the days <3 that show...then got on the computer...and talked to Jess Britt Jess Ryan and Justin...and probably more but I can't remember...cause of what happened now...thats about it
Note To Self I miss you terribly...