(no subject)

Nov 12, 2008 18:48

AIM Shadow1985
E-mail tazo85@gmail.com

Character's Series Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness
Characters Name: John "Gabe" Gabriel
Sex: Male
Abilities and Weapons Boxing. Lots, and lots, and lots and lots of boxing. Punching in general. Punching humans, punching monsters, punching devils, punching ghosts, punching robots, punching dark gods, punching robot gods, punching the devil himself. The man is damn good at his job, and his job is to punch things until they cease to move.

He's also fairly adept at pie baking and accidental arson.

As for weapons, he on occasion makes use of various brass knuckles, spiked brass knuckles, hand blades and, in one incident, demonic gauntlets that stuck spikes into his hands.

He wasn't overly happy about that.

Appearance: Frequently described as a "Man-bear" or "Man-Beast", Gabe is, truth be told, pretty built, with a much more developed upper body than any of the other characters and huge fists. His spiky hair frequently defies gravity as it shoots out over his face in a kind of anime-pompadour.

He's usually found dressing very casually, black pants, white shirt, suspenders. Here is a picture:
http://flickr.com/photos/strongestgirl/3020427840/ Dude on the right

Personality: Gabe likes punching. No, seriously, he REALLY likes punching. A lot. I'm not exagerting here, it's kind of his motivating factor in all of life. At one point, his partner Tycho describes him as "thirsting for murder".

All that being said, he's not just a mindless killer. Okay, he might a bit mindless at times, but he does have a vague sense of right and wrong and good and evil, and does stay on the good side, as long he can hit things in order to serve the side of good.

He can be quite child-like (perhaps a side-effect of being hit in the head too many times), with a consistent love for cute and gold plated things. Especially gold plated cute things. Like a gold-plated poodle (it's a long story).

Strengths: The guy is a man-beast. He is seriously strong like an ox and a small pony combined (that's quite strong!) He is also quick like a greased weasel on a slip and slide rubbed with cheetah blood. It kind of helps when you're hitting things to keep yourself from being hit. That being said, even if he quick, he's also kind of insanely durable. He can take even laser blasts and able to keep running. He's also an extremely skilled boxer, so great that even the devil himself took notice for a match.

Weaknesses: Gabe is... kind of dumb. Not the brightest crayon in the box. Not strictly stupid, but definitely has a world view that would be considered childlike at best. Also, despite his punching abilities, he's not doing as much damage as everyone else. I mean, despite his strength, he's still just punching a guy next to his buddy with the shotgun.

Fears: Spiders, forks, and a world without punching.

History: Unfortunately, the series has been a bit scanty on Gabe's history versus his partners up until this point, with Episode three containing the possibility for more exploration of the prize fighter.
What is known is this:

He ran away from home, as all great people start off as orphans. He got his start street fighting in the alleys of New Arcadia, battling thugs, hobos, and the occasional dark monster before working his way into prizefighting. His rise was meteoric, and everyone thought he'd be legendary. Everything was going great.

Then he fought the devil.

Details are unclear as to the outcome of that match, or indeed, how it happened. All that's known is that after that, his days as a prize fighter were over.

At some point, he hooked up with Tycho as Head Puncher for the Startling Development Detective Agency.

First person

Guy came into the office today. Typically I just let Tycho handle this business side of things, unless it comes to the extracting of money from delinquent customers, as he says it.

This guy, though? This guy seemed to want something we didn't sell. Cat liscense or some shit like that. Killing gods? Sure. Fighting giant robots? No problem. Cats? We don't do cats. Well, Kemper, but he's lazy and easy to deal with.

Tycho tried talking and that worked about as well as it ever does when Tycho opens his mouth. So we tried my way.

Always works. I keep trying to tell that, bastard never listens.

Sample RP Post:

Gabe was getting annoyed about this. There was a damn naked statue talking to him and very little in the way of devils to punch. Sure, he was TRYING Tycho's punching with words strategy and frankly, it wasn't working very well.

At least they had Mr. Tails. At least when Mr. Tails wasn't raving like a lunatic and trying to Gabe's head off.

Speaking of which, was that Mr. Tails trying to tear his head off?

"No, Mr. Tails! Bad! We don't attack our friends, unless they really deserve it or we're bored!" he shouted, delivering a quick jab to Mr. Tails face and sending the robot monkey flying through a tree.

Well, several trees.
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