Dec 23, 2011 18:19
This particular post (especially the second part) is more for me to not forget this stuff, since timing issues of various canon events and how crazy Steam wants to get with Roads' villains will determine highly how it turns out. It is NOT going to happen particularly soon, not by a long shot.
Basically, Roads' upgrade scheme was created with the assumption that nobody on the UG@ earth really knew magic, which with the presence of Nanoha and Demonbane characters is no longer true.
The Zweilicht Mk II will probably incorporate a fair amount of Nanoha technology thanks to these changes; I'm imagining Roads would acquire a Belkan-type device, then incorporate it into the unit's computer systems. It'd grant the whole thing much greater efficiency with its magic, and some spells: Flash Move, a Search, a Bind, and some shield powers are what I'm looking at. This would break up the Zweilicht's current super mode plans, instead giving it a limited mana pool with which to cast spells at any time. They'd still retain their solar-aspected nature, so it's still crazy deadly against his own canon's monsters, and can still run out of power. Also, Roads would then have a Device with which to fight on foot, though I imagine he has the mana capacity of a damp sponge. This would probably also enable persistent flight, though upon further thinking I'm not sure if I want Roads to be able to fly indefinitely. Jumping is just so much cooler...
The Demonbane stuff is a bit trickier, since Demonbane stuff tends to have insane power levels involved.
Basically, I figure that Roads should be able to copy the features of Demonbane that don't involve invoking a specific elder god; those would be Timaeus and Criteas (The spatial warp system) and the Lemuria Impact.
The trick here is of course finding a power source, since there's no way in hell Roads can run these on his own. Aero's suggestion was that Roads find a grimoire, specifically the original copy of the Book of Eibon. This would solve any power source issues for the Zweilicht forever, letting it use its various spells or spatial warping abilities as much as it wanted.
However, Roads is kind of a failtacular wizard, so even if he could start to bring out the book's true powers, it'd be a good bit behind the other Demonbane characters. Also, one of the Anticross (Vespasius) holds the Book of Eibon. The suggestion here from Aero was to have it be the latin copy (Liber Ivonis), much like how one of the other Anticross members has the Caelo Fragments, a latin copy of a more powerful grimoire. Since in Demonbane the originals are always more powerful than the copies, this would give Vespasius something of a cross-canon rivalry with Roads, for getting a more powerful version of Vespasius' own grimoire.
The Book of Eibon was chosen because according to wikipedia, it contains magical formulae for killing various otherworldly horrors, and that fits pretty well with Roads' whole schtick.
Details of course would have to be worked out, principally timing. Other things to consider are what Roads does with that Device after getting a Grimoire (or if he should skip the Device and get a Grimoire instead), and whether to do this at all or not. I do like the idea of a cross-canon rivalry, though.
Consider this "Subjects to be discussed at a later date", like when Kurou's Demonbane has shown up, or around the time Roads is scheduled to get his midseason upgrade.