Columbia audition

Mar 04, 2006 17:10

audition went SO well...
Columbia is a pretty damn awesome school, and Chicago is fucking awesome... I am RIGHT downtown...
so in my audition, i started out with a classical piece from Gilbert and Sullivans "the mikado" and then i finished it off with "cry me a river" a really good jazz torch song. afer i got done, they were like... wow...
they asked me a bunch of questions like... why do u want to come here... blah blah
it was actually really nice because i answered them honestly and felt really good about being honest with myself too...
they asked me if I would be interested in musical theater.. i said hell yes.. they asked me if I would be interested in still doing classical.. i said ok... they asked me if I would be interested in singing for a jazz band.. i said yes please... and then they asked me if i would be interested in playin my trombone in the jazz band ... i said... WHAT?! YES! ... after they asked me this ... the one teacher was like..."well how is she going to play trombone if she is singing for the jazz band.... and the other teacher was like..." well.. she can do both!"
after i was done talking to them, i was about to be on my way... but the one teacher was like.. wait.. can you scat??
Scat? i said...
yes, scat..
so i told her.. i was like.. well the professional jazz band i sing for back home does an arrangement of it dont mean a thing.. and i have to scat a little bit in it...but i really have never done it..
and they were like.. ok go..try anyway... sing now
and so i started singing and the black dude on the piano started jammin with me and i was singing and growling and sliding all over the place... it was WICKED awesome.. yea.. i LOVED it...
didnt know i could do that.. it just kinda ripped outta me which was awesome
thats what i love about jazz and blues... you can just sing that shit however the hell the spirit moves you.. you dont have to worry about being a prim proper and having great posture and diction... its so ME..
yea.. so WOW.. i dont know what to do... hopefully they will send some major cash my way so i can go there... its such an awesome school... everyone there is so diverse and edgy... i can take photo classes, i can take african drum and dance... i can sing COUNTRY if I really wanted to (which i Dont) but anyway... it seems like an awesome place.. and im pretty sure i want to go there...
I have sooo many good stories just from the time I spent in chicago.. megan makes me laugh harder than anyone I know.. and its always awesome to see becky and alissa...

now i prepare for spring break in New York City... life is lookin' up ~ Leah
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