Friday night Sonja and Becky came to Jersey City :)
Then Saturday night Sonja, Adam and I hung out and we took Sonja to her first bar (The Iron Monkey) Then after we left there we met up with Eric and went back and hung out at his place for awhile.
hahaha I love this picture.
And on Sunday Sonja and I woke up and went for a walk along the waterfront then went back to Adam's showered took him to the bank then we hung out at Eric's for a bit and then went to a BBQ that Monique was throwning. After that we took a trip to White Castle then back to Eric's
Soda can fuck shit up.
These kids were my particular favorite. HAHAHA they kept lighting off fireworks.
Adam and Eric sure do love White Castle.
And finally yesturday Adam and I went to a party at Smoke Rise Beach. And we went swimming in the nastiest lake ever.