Aug 21, 2004 18:57
It's been a few days so I guess I'm due for an update! I think I left off on Tuesday or something like that...
Wednesday was boring. But Kylie visited me at work!! And that's all there is to say about Wednesday. Thursday I went to work at 9 and they asked me to work late but I was like nooooo. So I went home and then to Erin's house, where we ate pizza and hung around and listened to music. I left around 9ish and then came home and went to bed. My exciting life haha. Then yesterday I attempted to fix Erin's car in the morning, but realized that I had the wrong sized wrenches so I went home and got them. Yeah it didn't work out for me, so I went to work from 3-6 and then I changed into sexy clothes in the car on Peddler Hill Rd. Becuase I was embarrassed to be going around in my dirty bathing suit hehe. She and I decided to make a trip to the deli and I thought I saw my dad down the road so I made her duck down hehe. Then we tried to peel out but my car is too shitty ;-). Oh I forgot to mention that I am on car-bation which means like no passengers until further notice...yeah what it REALLY means is I have to be more careful that my parents don't know about the passengers hehe. We didn't want to go home, so we stopped at Stacy's house and I decided to be a retard and like park perpendicular to the curb and block the whole street and beep the horn. Her brothers came out and said she wasn't home, and they gave me our prom pictures. Then we whipped (hehe yeah right...more like crawled) down by Green Rd. and randomly decided to visit Ricky Mercado. We talked to him and his sister on their porch and then decided to go home. Erin drove us to her house and we tried some more to fix the car and we were pros and got it done. Then! It started to piss rain and thunder and lightning and all that shit. We watched garbled TV and bad concerts and then around 10 I went home.
I wasn't really counting on going to work today, on account of allll the thunderstorms they predicted. I got up like 10:30 and went to the post office, in an attempt to pick up my homeroom letter. Too bad it hasn't gotten there! I came home and had to go to work. Luckily for me, it was raining really hard to I put up a few canopies, got soaked, and just sat at the gatehouse all day, eating pizza and chatting. It was the best day of work ever. And they sent me on a Dunkin Donuts run hehe. I just got home now and I really don't know what I'm gonna do tonight. Probably sleep.