You should have gone to a school like Rivier College. You could have finished your guitar and your schoolwork! Homework is minimal, you get multiple chances on writing assignments, and you can get 10.5 points on a 10 point political science midterm.
It will be sexier once it works. I put it together, was all excited to plug it in and play...but no sound came from it :-(. I opened it up to go over my wiring but I honestly can't figure out where I went wrong. I guess I'm going to take everything apart and start over with it, but I haven't gotten around to it.
Hey Sam, I'm gonna be up in Boston all day Saturday, and am planning on hanging out with Vargas and Amanda that evening, you should come with us. I called Steve too but he didn't answer.
I'm going to working working Saturday evening until 9:00pm, else I would be there. (The girl I've been wasting all of my time with just headed off to California and I suddenly have a lot more time to myself.) :/
However depending on the program depends on the HW... but wow Matt that rocks I especially love the guitar it's wicked sexy!
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