☠ » these pirate bones are under lock & key bbs «

Dec 10, 2031 19:24

F R I E N D S  O N L Y

☒ always adding // ☐ not adding


Basics: Writer & general artsy-type. University drop-out (temporarily). Diagnosed crazy, but cool about it. Always updating this entry. I like Resident Evil, plants, the X-Files, fruit, pretty colours, Hannibal Lecter, chocolate, Star Wars and my pet rats.

I currently live in the English countryside in a tiny little village, but spend a lot of my time in Wales. I'm hoping to go to university next year to study Anthropology and Ancient History, fingers crossed! I wear terribly faded navy Converse and has way too many coloured tights. I'm probably the easiest person to get along with, I love new people joining my f-list, so, yo ho, welcome aboard, etc etc, drop me a comment with a little info about yourself inc. your name/general location/things we may have in common :)

friends only

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