Sep 25, 2012 12:42
I had a dream last night (no big news there). I was watching a brand new movie starring Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy as two soldiers (the movie insisted they were British; I was confirmed they were American) who meet in a field hospital after Michael's character is wounded in battle and, if I understood correctly, James' character is just plain late for the party. The movie said it takes place during WWI; I said even WWII wouldn't be too believable with the environment and their equipment and suggested Vietnam but obviously the movie didn't listen.
Anyway, there's a world-wide ceasefire going on and the guys have time to get to know each other: they really like taking long walks (in a fucking war zone), for example. Eventually they fall in love and start an affair. The movie claimed to be R-rated; I was surprised you could show so much naked male parts in an R-rated movie. They had one of the most beautiful sex scenes I've ever seen, though. After they've carnally confessed their feelings for each other the war decides to go on, of course, and their orders are to separate them since Michael's character is a Basterd ninja commando and James' is a mailman. The movie made it very clear they're very much in love by now; I was suspicious about openly hugging and kissing your boyfriend in front of your troops, but hey, I'd given up with the war history at this point.
And then I fucking woke up and didn't see how the movie ends!
The rest of the night I spent making bonfires to get rid of the insane amounts of wasps that had taken over Finland. Yay.
what is this shit?