So. I had two of my wisdom teeth removed this week. One was willing to be pulled out, the other had to be incised. Ridge Forrester would be jealous of my jaw right now, the ends of the stitches keep getting between my teeth, and now that I'm not high on the painkillers and antibiotics anymore this just hurts and sucks. But the boyfriend has been a darling (when he's not laughing at how funny I look and sound), he even took a day off from work to take care of me after the operation. <3
During my three days of slacking and moaning over my condition I've read pretty much every Loki/Tony fic I've been able to find, and the fandom needs more. Good ones, preferably. I think I've come across two or three fics with both of the guys actually IC (but, to be fair, the line between IC and headcanon is a thin one). I also had insane fangirling moments over British!Wallander and had to dig up fanfic on that too.
This one melted me into a pool of incoherence. ^^
(...Okay, watching Ultimate Avengers animation with the boyfriend, and I didn't remember hippie!Thor with his ever-present keg was THIS much of an idiot. You don't burp as an answer when Fury asks you something. You just don't. But then again, when it has "Ultimate" in it it usually means that everyone's a flaming asshole.)
I have a couple of AU things going on because of reasons, and since the darkfest deadline is approaching I should probably get into the angst zone next week. The difficult part will be the Thor/Loki in my other assignment, I know it's pseudo incest but I haven't written any kind of inappropriate brotherly relationships since LotR - which is kinda weird with HP fandom and Sirius and Regulus - and omg I feel like a dirty old woman. xD
(Those disturbing moments in life when you cannot decide whether to stare at animated!Steve's ass or animated!Widow's boobs. o_O)
A couple of weeks ago I was determined to analyze the hell out of the Nightwish gig here, but I'm afraid the moment's gone. xP But I can say that the we went to the gig around 8 p.m., and I've never been that drunk with less than two hours of sleep at 3 p.m. on the next day. Good gig. My other musical interests during the past few weeks have included both Eminem and Ajattara, so I guess I'm beyond some point of caring by now.