The 100 truths - Tag Game

Apr 09, 2009 21:54

Here’s your tag Karan. Phew!!

1. Last drink: The elixir of life …err…chilled FROOTI. Everyone knows, I am a frooti addict. Why grow up? :P
2. Last phone call : Imran Khan [the Jaane tu ya jaane na guy]…yeah he calls me up when he misses me. *Blushes*

3. Last text message: I miss you - Imran again ;)

4. Last song you listened to: A song I have been composing, heard a zillion times and I change it everytime. Satisfaction is hard to come by.
5. Last time you cried: When I wanted a candy and no one was buying me one.
Have You Ever...

6. Dated someone twice: No second chances Baby! Fast Track…move on. ;) Oh! On second thoughts …. I did date Zac Efron twice. The boy has serious celebrity complex I tell ya. Phew!

7. Been cheated on? The guy who sits behind me in examz is passing coz of me.

8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Zac Efron. Sloppy kisser. Chhheeee thu bleh!

9. Lost someone special? Yep, the kid that I was. I left her behind in my childhood.

10. Been depressed? NO. I have a self happiness rejuvenation system, can’t stay sad for too long.

11. Been drunk and threw up? Neva been drunk.

Four Favourite Colors...
12. RED

13. Peach
14. Blue
15. Black

16. Made new friends: No. I believe in past life’s connections. I have been careful enough to re-make old friendships only. [That’s a straight faced answer.]

17. Fallen out of love: Many times. Why do you think I dumped Zac Efron.
18.Laughed until you cried: Routine affair. That’s why I go to college.
19. Met someone who changed you: The kid I left behind in my childhood. When I met her again after losing her, sure she did change me a LOT. Haven’t let her go since then.

20. Found out who your true friends were: Absolutely. No Shaq!

21. Found out someone was talking about you: Imran Khan was apparently asking about me. I knew he needed me. Had to cut him some slack, poor boy!

Have You...

22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: I wanted a prince to hug so I Kissed the green frog - Croaks, a friend from my soft toy collection. He’s turned into a prince in my imaginary world.

23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: The real friends who know me in my virtual life. Lolz.

24. How many kids do you want to have: Tinku, Rinku, Minku…don’t run there, Hey Pinku come back come back …where’s Chinku now??? !!!! All of you stand in line I NEEDTA GET THE NUMBER OF YA……
25. Do you have any pets: Croaks - the green frog from my soft toy collection that turned into a prince in my imaginary world.

26. Do you want to change your name: You bet! I wanna be named the Punk Princess :D

27. What did you do for your last birthday: Reading fan mails, watching kids play on the street (they had a school off coz it was punk princess’s day no?), sailing in Hawaii, a meeting with god (told him I am looking after the world.)…etc etc

28.What time did you wake up today: 6:30 AM wait I think I fell asleep and then woke up around 9.

29. What were you doing at midnight last night:  laughing my guts off at my sis’s stories for the day [What she did in school, school bus, coaching, coaching van, yes, they all count as diff locations]. It’s part of my daily routine.
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for: This list to end. My creativity is vaporizing exponentially with the increment in the bullet points.

31. Last time you saw your father: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name waale father? Haven’t met any father ever since I passed out of the convent. [10th std]

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I should have accepted when Abhishek Bachhan proposed. On second thoughts the gorilla and the ice princess look good together, so I do not regret the decision.

*Flashes her angelic benign smile*

33. Most visited web page: GOOGLE - the new age GOD!

What's Your...
34. Name: PUNK PRINCESS. Affirmative.

35. Nicknames: Mom calls me by atleast a dozen names. When nobody replies to those peculiar names that she keeps bellowing, I get the drift, she must be addressing me. :P
Dad calls me by some typical bong nick.
DeeDee [Inspired by dexter that’s what my sis calls me when she’s upto some mischief],
Peeya and its variations [paternal side+ friends through paternal connections+ some people who adopted this nick after coming to know ‘bout it],
Sona and its variations [maternal side+ friends thru maternal connections+ some people who adopted this nick after coming to know ‘bout it],
Tanny [college], Tarana[secret code name pre high school], Pakhi, Shubh, Shubhi, Khushbu,
Princess [Rahul (my chuddie buddie) was the first to name me so then came Aadi, Akshit, Suhail, Vivek and a few others who have called me so at some point or the other], Lil P [named by BB, BigB and Red] and some more monickers.
I am as bored to write this as bored you are while reading this list. Wrong question to be put on a tag list. I should do a blog on nicks.

36. Zodiac sign: Virgo with more of Leo in me.

37. Male or female or transgender: Fe-male

38. Elementary School: Home elementary schooled.

39. School: Hogwarts school of wizardry. I am too tired after answering that Nick Name question to write about all the 6 schools I went to.

40. Colleges: Some college [Thank you Orkut for the cue.]

41. Hair color: Dark Brown
42. Long or short: Loooooooong and curly.
43. Height: 5 feet 2 inches
44. Do you have a crush on someone? Enrique Iglesias ever since I discovered HIM.

45. Ever been in love? Lotsa times. I am someone who’s eternally high on life’s joys, in love with the little things life has to offer.

46. Piercings? Both ears, one each.

47. Tattoos? On the small of my back which says CROAKS (the green frog from my soft toy collection that turned a prince in my imaginary world.)

48. Righty or lefty: Righty. I’d like to be ambidextrous though.

49. First surgery: This tag can’t be Indian. No nose job or lip job or ne other job.

50. First piercing: Ears as a kid. First and last!

51. First best friend: Robert Pattison. He was such a cry baby.

On a serious note - my first best friend has to be my cousin sis. I followed her 5 months late into this mortal world and ever since then we have been the - two to tango.

52. First sport you loved: Doctor doctor, Barbie Barbie , teacher teacher :P

53. First pet: My sis and CROAKS (the green frog from my soft toy collection that turned a prince in my imaginary world.)

54. First vacation: Disney Land - in my Dream Vacations. It is also my dream vacation. What a pun!

56. First crush: Enrique Iglesias.

Right Now...
57. Eating: Orange.

58. Drinking: How can I eat and drink at the same time. Is this question some joke on Bongs???? Grrrr…

59. I am about to: finish eating this orange.
60. Listening to: Sourabhee’s first album on

61. Waiting for: This list to end. Grrrr…

Your Future...
62. Want kids? Gotta be some non-Indian Insane Idiot who made this tag. So far I know that I wanna adopt one first.

63. Want to get married? Ofcourse, why suffer alone in life. :P As soon as I find my Forrest Gump. Either that or as soon as AB Jr Jr grows up to be 18.

64. Careers in mind? A rockstar cum entrepreneur. Ha!

Which is better with the opposite sex...??
65. Lips or eyes: Both.
66. Hugs or kisses: Hugs would be the safer option. Too many issues with kisses - bad breath, food sticking in his mouth [ewww], sloppy or drooly kisser, several diseases that spread through kissing [shudders at the thought of it.]

67. Shorter or taller: Definitely Shorter….would be easier to hug and pet. :P

68. Older or Younger: X-1< X < X+2 where X is my age, represents the range of values I am ready to accept.
69. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneously romantic
70. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both

71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive and subtle.
72. Hook-up or relationship: R’ship -> too heavy. Hook-Up -> too trivial. Guys are good to be friends with. :) so the answer is NONE at the moment.

73. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble-maker anyday. :D

Have you ever...??
73. Kissed a stranger: CROAKS (the green frog from my soft toy collection that turned a prince in my imaginary world.)
74. Lost glasses/contacts: yes, both purposely and by mistake.

75. Sex on first Date: WHAT ????!!! NO...wht is wrong with this quiz maker ??? Definitely nt an Indian..!! [Copy Karan]

76. Broken someone's heart: What have you accomplished in life if you haven’t broken a few hearts. *Evil grin*

77. Had your own heart broken: Too fragile to be broken - my heart. :)

78. Been arrested: That would be a dream come true. :D

79. Turned someone down: Told Ya, refer to question no.32. Abhishek bachhan , brad pitt , tom cruise etcetera …

80. Cried when someone died: I am a sadist. I throw parties when that happens. D’uh!

81. Liked a friend that is a girl? How can you be friends with someone and not like her?????


82. Yourself: Most of the days, other days I believe in my loved ones who ask me to believe in myself. :)

83. Miracles: Ofcourse. What do you think I’m? A living proof, you dodo!!

84. God: Music is God for me. Overall, yes I do.

85. Love at first sight: Yep, coz many in the likes of Zac Efron , Robert Pattison have confessed that they fell in love with me at the first sight.

86. Heaven: Heaven is where you believe it to be. For me it is on earth.

87. Santa Claus: Ofcourse. We are buddies.

88. Kiss on the first date? Copy from question no.66 -> Too many issues with kisses - bad breath, food sticking in his mouth [ewww], sloppy or drooly kisser, several diseases that spread through kissing [shudders at the thought of it.]

I want the guy’s medical history, atleast the dentist’s report before venturing on those terrains.

89. Angels: You know me and you still gotta ask? See * points to the halo shining bright above her head* you know one now.

90. Devils: Devil is fun, yep!

91. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yep. Calvin [from calvin and hobbes]. *Blushes*
92. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? One too many ya….One too many. ;)

93. Wanted to kill someone ever? My HOD. Every single day.
94. Among you blog mates, whom would you like to kiss? CROAKS (the green frog from my soft toy collection that turned a prince in my imaginary world.) once he starts blogging.

95. Committed a blunder and regretted later? I commit a zillion blunders everyday coz I believe I am an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown who blows it at the most imp moment for the sake of humour in life.

Regrets? Only for fleeting moments. I’d rather spend time to undo the mistake if I can or making it up in some way and learning not to repeat it again than brooding on the issue.

96. Wanted to steal your friend's boyfriend / girlfriend? C’mon I have CROAKS - the green frog from my soft toy collection that turned a prince in my imaginary world, everybody wants to swap with me!!

97. White: Evening dress or churidaar kurta.
98. Black: Jeans/stilettos
99. Red: Tops/high shoe/ belts
100. Pink: Tops/ nail paints/ lip colours

Posting this as 100 Truths? What else!!

PS: I do not have any soft toy collection as such but for one air puffed power puff girl- buttercup.

I tag - 3xsoncalvary, amitlogic, an_ink_pen, angiasaadoublelifer, gops, greyhavenseeker, iamawiseguy, inspirethoughts, missinsomnia, nadeem_sani, osho11, parwana, pavitran, penmight, rajikatalwar, raviks, rebornsrks, renbow, sandeep_rb, sandy_tr, sepiaverse, sharathm, sharma_apoorvsudhi_11in, swanirbhar, swapn

And all the NON LJ junta who wish to be tagged. Spill beans and be a sport guys. If you do not have/wanna do the tag on your blog , you can put it up on my comments section.

I understand if any of you do not have time to do the 100 bullets Tag , no explanations required. I'll be glad if some of you be a sport to do the list though. :)

tp, karan, tag game, evil deedee, nonsense, fun

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