The most mentally ill job resume

Aug 04, 2004 18:43

This is what I saw at a site.

In the summer of 1992, I was working a Saturday afternoon at the bar when a guy walked in and handed me this resume. He seemed to be on a serious job hunt, because he had a lot of them. I just took it, said we weren't hiring right now, and he left. The first thing I noticed was that it was ten pages long, about nine more than a resume should be. Then I started reading it. All I can say is, when you think you've met the most whacked out fuck-job that God could possibly make, in comes ol' Joseph E. Evans. I can't imagine this was some elaborate joke. The best part is, I don't think he was finished. The last page just seems to drift off. This is the ultimate paranoid conspiracy piece I've ever read. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because God protects the innocent as a matter of his heavenly duties (apologies to Vonnegut). Anyway, I scanned the original resume he handed me, because to re-enter it in the computer by typing would lose the whole essence of this piece of... something. You have to read it. Click each link below to read the corresponding page. On some pages, the scanner chopped off the top and bottom line, so I had to type them in. Since posting this, I have had two people tell me that they received the same thing from Joseph E. Evans at around the same time (summer '92). Apparently, he got around. WARNING: It DOES tend to get a bit much. After the first couple of pages, it just turns to babble. However, for posterity's sake, I have included the entire document. I like to be thorough. My question to you is: would you hire him?
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