Title: Retarded Love
Author: Nat, a.k.a.
pumpthevolumeRating: PG-13, just for kissing.
Pairings: ShoKura (Sakurai SHO x OKURA Tadayoshi) - YES MORE RANDOM-NESS!
Featuring: Kanjani8
Author’s note: Konnichiwa minna-san! I’m finally back! This time the random pairing was inspired by
junpinkyheaven when she used the nickname for the Shounen Club, “Shokura”. This fic is really really short because even though I like Okura and Sho, I don’t know that much about them… Sorry if it fails!!! *headdesk*
“Man, I’m so excited!” Shingo bounced rather unmanly-ly on the sofa, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Keh,” Ryo scoffed. “It’s not such a big deal…”
“YES IT IS!” the rest of Kanjani8 bellowed as one.
“Pfft…” Ryo retreated to a corner to watch porn on his laptop.
Okura did not join in the festivities (namely Shingo bouncing and the rest minus Ryo jumping around the room excitedly) or even say anything; but secretly he was much, much more excited than the rest of his group. However, the reason for the (rapidly multiplying) herd of butterflies fluttering in his tummy was quite different to the rest…
Sakurai Sho walked a little nervously towards the Kanjani8 dressing room. He knew that as their sempai, he shouldn’t have a reason to be nervous. In fact, he told himself, he should be owning the place! Sho squared his shoulders, exhaled calmingly like his meditation sensei had taught him and recited, "I PWN KANJANI8!" several times to himself before he rapped sharply, three times, on the door.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Shingo screeched, diving for cover behind a cushion. “HOLY CRAP, WHAT DO WE DO? IT’S GOTTA BE HIM!”
“Hmm… How about you ANSWER THE DOOR, IDIOTS.” Ryo contributed rather helpfully, pausing the porn video when the actors were in a rather interesting position.
“Good plan!” Yoko smoothed down his hair and walked towards the door.
“Ah, hello!” Sho grinned winningly at Yoko, who had opened the door for him. Unfortunately the poor Kanjani member had frozen in shock and couldn’t respond properly. “Um, hello…” Sho poked his head round Yoko.
“Hello…!” Kanjani8 squeaked, apart from Ryo, who gave Sho a nod of acknowledgment.
“Uhm, so you guys are ready for the PV rehearsal, right?” Sho asked tentatively, attempting to remove the paralysed Yoko from the doorframe.
“Ohmigosh, Sakurai-san, it’s SUCH an honour to be collaborating with you, I mean-“ Shingo gushed happily before slapping a hand over his mouth. The rest of Kanjani8 giggled nervously. Ryo carried on watching his precious porn.
Sho smiled at each of the members in what he hoped was a pleasant yet confident manner. When he turned his gaze upon Okura, however, the member seemed to be fidgeting and muttering inaudibly to himself. Sho raised an eyebrow a fraction higher, wondering what was wrong with him.
Actually, Okura was whispering calming phrases to himself; and the fidgeting was merely because the great-awesome-super-mega-ultra-wonderful Sakurai Sho was in the same room as he was. Regrettably, Sho had come to the conclusion that Okura was just slightly retarded and resolved to treat him with special care. This was rather unlucky as Okura had quite a large crush on his sempai and was hoping to attract his attention, but not in THIS way.
Throughout the entire rehearsal, Sho spoke loudly and slowly to Okura, enunciating every syllable with unmistakable clarity. Okura felt slightly hurt, constantly pondering over the mystery of Sho treating him like a baby. After the rehearsal when Sho had gone to the bathroom, Okura inhaled calmingly and set out after the Arashi member. He found the older man splashing his face with water at the sinks.
“Uhm… uh…” Okura stuttered, his speech hindered by the surge of affection and admiration that had welled up in his chest.
Poor guy, thought Sho. It must be hard on him, being retarded in the entertainment industry… Instead, he said in a caring tone, “Don’t worry, I’m here… Everything’s gonna be okay…”
Okura was a little taken aback. Surely this was a declaration of affection for him? The Kanjani8 member’s heart gave a happy little twirl; he skipped forward and planted his lips on Sho’s.
Sho was more than a little taken aback; yet he found himself kissing the other man back, innocently, guilelessly.
After a few seconds of ecstasy, Okura suddenly realised what he’d done. His eyes flew open and he blinked wildly a few times before running out of the bathroom.
Sho shook his head confusedly and massaged his temples. He didn’t know retards could kiss like that.
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