Title: Blossoms of Innocence [One-shot]
Author: Nat, a.k.a.
pumpthevolumeStarring: Nishikido Ryo (NEWS) & Adachi Sakura (made-up character), ft. Ueda Tatsuya (KAT-TUN)
Rating: NC-16 for my useless smut XDD
Author's note: Er yeah another uselessly crap Ryo smut XDD. I seem to be in a smut phase of writing LOL. Oh yeah, sorry Jen for stealing one of your names *
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You have a lovely way of writing too, I love it. Keep the smut coming. ;D ♥
Naww my smut sucks. Which is why I'm practising. AS IN PRACTISING WRITING, NOT... *ahem*
Oh and I forgot to mention this earlier, but when Sakura mentions that she's "due tomorrow", it wouldn't really matter because you can still get pregnant on your period. At least that's what I've learned in sex ed, lmao. XD!
Yeah I know but I had to make her say something to reassure him XDD.
Alright, I just notice things like that, so don't mind me. >_>; Haha.
Naw, it's okay. It's better when people point out mistakes and stuff cuz then I can write better (:
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