Nov 14, 2004 12:48
ok so my mom decided to be a bitch and not drive me somewhere important again becasue she has to study for her big buissness test next weekend. shes been a stock broker ofr 20+ years and she needs to worry about studying her job? shes making it sound like if she doesnt pass it were gonna be out on the street begging for food.
so i filled this out once already and it decided to be a bitch and not work so heres round 2
First Things First
[my name is]: mike
[in the morning I am]: tired and incoherent
[all I need is]: people, music and caffeine
[I'm afraid of]: fucking up my life beyond redemption already
[I dream]: weird and random things
[color]: black and or red
[number]: 7 or 9
[clothing brand]: whatever makes stuff i like
[shoe brand]: converse
[sport to play]: video games oe dodgeball
[fruit]: grapes or cantalope
Have You Ever..
[actually seen your crush naked]: n/a
[been in love]: i'm in love now
[cried when someone died]: yes
[lied]: i try hard not to
[fallen for your best friend]: no
[been rejected]: yes
[rejected someone]: i dont know
[used someone]: i try really hard not to
[been cheated on]: yes
[done something you regret]: hasnt everyone regreted at least one thing in there life
[makes you laugh the most]: gamby
[makes you smile]: my friends
[has a crush on you]: ?
[is easiest to talk to]: sean, karissa
Do You/Are You
[smoke cigarettes]: not any more
[obsessive]: i hope not
[could you live without the computer]: i did
[how many people are on your buddy list]: 66
[drink alcohol]: yes
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunsets, i dont get up early enough to watch sunrise
[what hurts the most]: when i sleep weird and i my back hurts
[trust others way too easily]: yes
[of times I have had my heart broken]: enough
[of continents I have lived in]: 1
[of drugs taken illegally]: booze and pot
[of close friends]: a couple
[of CD's that I own]: way to many to count
[of scars on my body]: 1 or 2
[of things in my past that I regret]: alot
Pick One
[marry perfect friend or perfect lover]: friend, that way your life is good not just the sex
[cats or dogs]: cats
[1 pillow or 2]: 2
[with or without ice cubes]:crushed ice
[top or bottom]: n/a
[winter/spring/summer/fall]: spring its not to hot and not to cold
[night or day]: night
[gloves or mittens]: neither
[dressed or undressed]: it varies
[bunk or water bed]: water bed those things kick ass
[ocean or pool]: pool casue the beach is dirty
[showers or baths]: shower
[love or lust]: love
[silver or gold]: silver
[diamonds or pearls]: n/a
Yes or No
[You keep a diary/journal]: what a stupid question
[You like to cook]: sometimes
[You have a secret you have not shared with anyone]: yes, doesnt everyone?
[You're in love]: yes
[You set your watch a few minutes ahead]: no
[You bite your fingernails]: god yes
[You believe in love]: yes
Who/What Is/Are
[The most attractive person of the opposite sex you know]: not answering on the ground that it might incriminate myself
[The weirdest person you know]:amanda bonjourno or buckle
[The loudest person you know]: deeeeeeeeeeeeee
[Your close friends]: sean, i grew up with him
[The person that knows the most about you]: again the answer is sean
[The most boring teacher]: whatever math teacher i have
[Your most overused phrase on IM]: rofl copter
[The last image/thought you go to sleep with]: did i do something i regret today
[Your best feature]: i havea good feature?
[Your favorite inside jokes]:i am the octopus i know no walls
Do You
[Take a shower everyday]: i try to
[Think you've been in love]: i am in love now
[Want to get married]: its to far in life to think about it now
[Have any tattoos]: no
[Have any piercings]: my left ear
[Get motion sickness]: no
[Think you're a health freak]: yeah i'm on the atkins and drink diet water
[Get along with your parents]: sometimes
[Screen names]: pumpmaster13333
[Natural hair color]: ?
[Current hair color]:black
[Eye color]: blue/green/grey
[Cuddle or make out]: dpends
[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate]: chocolate milk
[Milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate]:milk or white choclate
[Vanilla or chocolate]: vanilla
In the last 24 hours have you
[Cried]: no
[Helped someone]: i have no idea
[Bought something]: i dont think so
[Gone to the movies]:no
[Gone out for dinner]: no
[Said "I love you"]: in the last 48 hours
[Written a real letter]: no i dont write good
[Talked to an ex]: yes
[Missed an ex]: no
[Written in a journal]: i thought i told you i dont have a journal
[Had a serious talk]: maybe
[Missed someone]: yes
[Hugged someone]: no
[Fought with your parents]: yes
[Fought with a friend]: no