Suzuki Osamu-san (O): That blonde hair, is that the manifestation of your fighting spirit?
Massu (M): Fufufu. Now that Osamu-san got me... I haven't showed up on any media yet. Was it yesterday or two days ago? Yes, I changed my hair color.
O: Why did you choose blonde?
M: I got a little carried away.. (laughed)
O: Your new song is Chankapaana, so your hair style is also "chankapaana"?
M: Well, it's a papparapa.. (laughed)
Some tidbits:
- Massu haven't read Pink and Grey yet, lol. Knowing this, Osamu-san said: "Chotto! That's a great book!"
- Osamu-san said that a 26 years old Massu should act more like a senpai now, and Massu confessed that he never met any kouhai who admires him as a senpai. But someday when he meets a kouhai who likes him, Massu will immediately treat him at a yakiniku restaurant XDD
- Massu went to Kyari Pamyu Pamyu's concert and surprised some people there, lol* Osamu-san. He then teased Massu saying that he saw him watching the concert seriously and Massu said he had fun at the concert.
- He promoted Chankapaana and said the song has a potential (to be a big hit), and the radio played Chankapaana. Osamu-san praised the high final note by Tegoshi.
- NEWS is preparing their summer tour and learning by watching Arashi's Kokuritsu concert DVD. They are excited because to perform in outdoor stage is something new for them.
- Massu said he's doing a lot of training now, but Osamu-san teased him and said he's gained weight and Massu kinda blamed Matsuoka-kun for treating him many delicious food.
- On his birthday, Massu received congratulation e-mails at midnight from Kei-chan and Shige, but Tegoshi's e-mail was late and came in July 5th, around 00.03 AM. LOL!
- Massu said his solo song is very kakkoi (cool) and he'll definitely perform it live.
You can listen to the radio show
HERE (credit: kysgtgms@yt)
A blonde Massu sings about peek-a-boo in some cool moves.. I wish I could fly to Japan this summer~~!!
*When I relistened to the show, I realized that it was Osamu-san who surprised, because he was there too. Really sorry!