Gray Canary Reports

Jul 10, 2012 09:35

 I translated an article from Duet, August 2012 edition (only the main story part XD) and collected some scoops from twitter and Japanese fan blogs.

[Duet translation]
This is a report from a rehearsal in Tokyo Globe. I translated the story starts from the picture in the upper right corner. Please follow the red arrow :D

  • One morning inside a mansion bedroom. Fujii Kazuya (Masuda Takahisa), a rookie editor from a gossip magazine woke up in a bed with a mysterious woman. In his vague memory, he then remembered that the mysterious woman is Kana (Okina Megumi), the missing vocalist of a famous band, Medusa. Fujii was appointed by her boss, Sakurako (Hizuki Hana) to collect information about Kana, but he found himself woke up in an awkward situation and couldn't remember anything. But then, one after another, some characters came in: Simachan (Kobayashi Daisuke) who lives in the upper floor apartment, a suspicious electrician, Miura (Yamaji Kazuhiro) who suddenly come to repair the television (even though they didn't ask for it) and also, Kana's boyfriend, Shimada Ryuuji aka Ryuu (Matsuoka Masahiro) and Sakurako who later becomes irritated with Fujii's coverage activity. After revealing their relations to each other, Fujii finally knows why Kana decided to disappear...
  • Fuji tried to explain the situation to his boss, who's obsessed with Kana's missing case. She was angry when she found out that Fujii slept in Kana's place.  
  • This is Fujii when he woke up on Kana's bed. The pajamas, the dark room.. The nervous Massu was cute. He was in bed, but aside from his appearance in a trunks, there's no explicit scene, so don't worry.
  • A suspicious electrician came. He seemed to come only to check on Kana. Wearing a very flashy pajama, Massu portrayed his (weak and confused) character well. 
  • Fujii then found a CD of his favorite artist, Fassho Neburu Fassho Navel, and sing one of its song. After listening to the song, Kana felt like being wrapped, and she hugged Fujii. When Fujii sang, he brought the CD with his two hands, and his warm singing voice was enchanting. 
  • They were still hugging each other when a pizza man came. When Kana saw the pizza man, she ran into him and embraced him. He is the supposed to be dead, Medusa's guitarist, also Kana's boyfriend, Ryuu. Fujii fell to the floor and watched a love scene between Ryuu and Kana. But then he realized that Ryuu's face in reality is different with his photograph. 
  • The one who's taking care of Kana is Simachan aka Shou, the drummer of Medusa. He sees that Kana only open her heart to Fujii, so Simachan told Fujii: "please make her happy". 
  • When Kana is not around, Ryuu and Sakurako bumped in each other. They were lovers before Medusa's debut. That's why, to know the truth about Ryuu's death, Sakurako investigated Kana's surroundings. 
  • Finally, they found out that Kana was stressed due to the sudden success of Medusa. She became sick and doesn't want to listen to song anymore. The men around her suddenly make a song using some awkward conversation. It was supposed to be a serious scene, but suddenly became musical, you will definitely laugh if you see it. 
  • The man who murdered Ryuu, Miura actually came to apologize to Kana. According to his confession, Ryuu's spirit possessed into the pizza man. The Fassho Navel song, "Itsuka Kitto" was a song once created by Fujii who dreams to be a musician. "Song is something you have to listen by heart", Fujii then sings the song on guitar for Kana in his sweet and soft voice, and Kana's heart which once was grey turns into its natural color again.. 

The story is cute, but I still have some questions: why did Fujii suddenly wake up in Kana's bed? Why did Miura kill Ryuu? I hope someone who already watched this stage play will share the whole story!

[What happened in Osaka...]
And here's a picture of Massu's birthday cake, uploaded in Gray Canary stage play official site here. Those little birds (canaries? XD) are so cute, I saw some papa pics of him holding the picture XD

Some fans reported about what happened on July 4th:

At the curtain call, Matsuoka-kun sang happy birthday song for Massu. The birthday cake was brought out and Massu blew the candles out. The stage was decorated with cute balloons and a "Happy Birthday Massu" banner, and he seemed really pleased to see it.

Apparently the casts made a birthday party the day before at a restaurant and bar, and did a countdown to Massu's birthday. Matsuoka-kun treated Massu for the party. Massu shared a story: when they moved to the second place to celebrate, a shop assistant brought him a bottle of champagne and said: "Happy Birthday, Tegoshi san!"

Massu reportedly said: "This is my first time to have my birthday celebration on stage. When the stage play dates were fixed, I told everybody in every occasion that it will be my birthday. I don't want to be ignored, I will feel really lonely". At the end, fans sang Happy Birthday (NEWS) for him :')  
Matsuoka-niichan arigatou! LOLed at Massu being mistaken for Tegoshi, poor boy man XD

PS. Many thanks to stahsee for giving us more details about the stageplay, including a link to download the 'singing' part (YAY!!), some papa pics when Massu danced to the birthday song, and links to 2 songs Massu sang in this stageplay, HERE and HERE. For more details, please check the comment section :)) 

magazines, massu

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