Ep. 73: white day and the grapefield

Mar 18, 2013 09:38

Air date: 2013.03.14
At first the boys and Aracchi talked about the White Day celebration.
Tegoshi: Yes yes yes, it came, it came, yooo. I wonder what a man should give in return if they didn't received honmei choco?
Aracchi: Actually, you don't have to worry about it..
Massu: Isn't it good if you buy some candies in the convenience store as gifts?
Tegoshi: Eh, even some throat candies? (laughs)
Massu: Yes.

[why Tegoshi?]Massu then shared the story of how he bought his White Day gifts.
Massu: When I was little, my mom always helped me to buy the gifts.
Tegoshi: Like cookies?
Massu: Like handkerchiefs..
Tegoshi & Aracchi: Oooouuuh.. (idk why but I found their reaction very funny x))
Massu: Until I was a little older, I kept asking my mom to help me buying gifts. For example, if I receive xx (number of) chocolates, I'll ask her, "please buy me xx gifts". Then, I handed them out at school in front of everybody.
Tegoshi: Ah I see.. Well on Valentine's Day, the gift must be chocolate right? How about on White Day, is it cookies?
Aracchi: Candy or cookies, or marshmallow..
Tegoshi: (in a very funny voice) Marshmallow?? That fluffy thingy? Really?
Massu: (mimicking Tegoshi) Marshmallow!?
Tegoshi: But anything will do, as long as you put your feeling in it.
And of course they have to make a link between White Day and their new single.

Tegoshi: On Valentine this year, I wonder how many girls of our listeners finally found love and getting gifts from their boyfriend..
Massu: We're so jealous. And they'll say 'sayonara ni sayonara' to each other, right?
Tegoshi: Yes, that's it, that's it!!
Massu: It has been released since March 6, Tegomass's newest single, Sayonara ni Sayonara!
Tegoshi: This song, will give you a greatest feeling for White Day!
(Aracchi kept laughing)

The first mail came from Sacchan from Fukushima. She was so moved after listening to their harmonization in Sayonara ni Sayonara. The song gives her a peaceful feeling, and she thanked Tegomass for that.
Aracchi: (reading the mail) "Today I have something to ask to Tegoshi-kun.."
(everybody in the studio, including Massu were surprised and almost burst into laughter lmao)
Tegoshi: Are? Are?
Aracchi: Are?
Tegoshi: But we don't know yet! We don't know yet!
Aracchi continued reading the letter, and apparently Sacchan was curious about the term "D-mero". When they had Matsuo-san came as guest, Tegoshi said that he loves the "D-mero part of Hitori Janai". Sacchan asked Tegoshi to explain the term, and requested for Hitori Janai.

And of course this kind of mail made someone a little confused x)
Massu: Why does she ask Tegoshi?
Tegoshi: That's because when Matsuo-san was here, I was the one who said 'D-mero'. If Massu said it, then she'll ask Massu too!
Massu: Ah is that so? (relieved) I was surprised.. I thought, why only Tegoshi?
Aracchi: (laughs) He's really sensitive!
(everybody laughs)

Tegoshi then explained that 'D-mero'* is the same with 'oosabi' (second chorus). In a song, 'A-mero' is the term for verse, 'B-mero' is bridge, and 'C-mero' or sometimes called 'sabi' is the chorus. For example, in Chankapaana, the 'D-mero' part is Tegoshi's solo part when he goes: "tsuki ga futari.."
Massu: Well well Tegoshi explained it by acting like a cool guy..
Tegoshi: That's not true! I did it naturally!
Aracchi: (laughs)
Tegoshi said that they're happy when their fans know a lot about song/musical terms.
*mero comes from the word melody

The radio played Hitori Janai by Tegomass.


A mail came from Maria-san in Kobe. She told the boys that her school has many unusual/unique clubs. There are fencing club, archery, and orchestra, but the most unusual thing is, they also have a planetarium! How about their school?

Tegoshi, Massu, Aracchi: Sugoooooi, planetarium!
Tegoshi: All the couples at school must be very happy!
Massu: And in the middle of class, they'll be like, "excuse me, I want to go to the planetarium".
Tegoshi: That's a goood schooool!
Tegoshi and Massu seems to be very jealous lmao XD

Tegoshi said that there's a water polo club in his former school.
Massu: Heeeeee..
Aracchi: That's so uniquel!
Tegoshi: It's a rare club right?
Massu: So there's a very deep pool?
Tegoshi: Yes, there is..
Massu: (in a funny voice) You went to a great schooooool!
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi also said that the water polo club is a strong club on national level at that time (he's not sure about now though)

Massu also shared his funny story when he was in middle school.
Massu: Before enrolling in middle school, I've heard that the school I was going to has a budojo (special gym for Budou or Japanese martial art). So when I was a freshman, I walked around the school looking for that budojo because I want to eat some grapes*. I was so disappointed, "It's strange. So there's no grape huh!?". But after some time, when we were in class, my teacher suddenly said: "today lesson will be done at the budojo," and I was like, "Finally!!!" When I came to the budojo, that was when I realized my mistake.
Aracchi: (laughs)
Tegoshi: You were so cute!
Massu: It happened when I was in middle school, and I think I sound like a stupid boy! (laughs)
(everybody laughs so loud)
*Massu mistaken 'budoujo' as grapefield. They have the same pronunciation but written in different kanji.

Aracchi said her school was a Christian school so there's a church there, and the boys seem to be very excited.

Massu: Can you hold a wedding ceremony there?
Aracchi: Yes, the university church can.. (apparently Aracchi enrolled in a Christian middle school, high school and university)
Tegoshi: That's so fashionable!

The next mail is from Riria-san. She has a baby face, so people often mistaken her for student. She doesn't mind being mistaken for an university student, but sometimes she's mistaken for high school student. Actually she wants to be seen as an adult, and she wants to know Tegoshi and Massu's image of a lovely, grown-up woman.

Tegoshi, Massu and Aracchi agreed that having a baby face is actually a great thing.
Tegoshi: If you wear an uniform, you'll look like a real JK, right? Isn't good?
Aracchi: (laughs)
Massu: Ah so you'll go to that topic?

Massu then said that there's a person who has the opposite case, for example Shige lmao.
Massu: When he was in middle school, many people thought that he's an university student already.
Tegoshi: Until now, people often asks me, "Tegoshi-kun, are you the youngest (member)?", and when I replied, "There's another one with the same age, it's Kato-kun", and they'll be like, "Eh?!"
Tegoshi and Massu said people also mistaken them for being 1-2 years younger, and some younger people look more like adult compared to them.
Massu: For example, the members of Hey Say Jump, they are taller than us.
Tegoshi: They are all big!
Massu: They're just like Koyama.
Tegoshi: If I have to do a free kick with them as my opponent, I will loose!

They then talked about their type of grown-up woman.
Massu: I think she wants to ask you about your type..
Tegoshi: Why me? Eh I wonder what..
Massu: Like this, no? (apparently Massu was trying to describe Tegoshi's type by doing some moves in the studio) From the left neck, the hair is like this..and with the right hand.. Ah, I can't properly explain this on the radio! Fufufufu..
Aracchi: Like something a Shinohara Ryoko-san will do?
Massu: Yes yes..

And a little out of topic, Tegoshi then said that there's a gesture of adult (mostly salaryman) that makes him confused: once he saw a salaryman held a phone with his right hand, but put it on his left ear.
Tegoshi: Why? Why do they do that? Ah I'm sorry I went out off topic!
Aracchi: (laughs) Does that bother you?
Massu: That's actually pretty cool, you know!
Massu explained that people do that gesture to look sexy, and he forced to Tegoshi to do it.
Tegoshi: Okay I'll do it. Moshi moshi? Fufu..
Massu: (teasing Tegoshi) Ah you put the phone on the opposite ear..
Tegoshi: Right? Right? It's weird!
(everybody laughs)

Lastly, Massu said that the image of being an adult can be seen from the way a woman dress.
Massu: For example, she can wear a jacket, a skinny black pants, and put on some heels.
Tegoshi: I see.. But actually I like baby face, that's okay! So please be yourself!

[it's gyozaaaaa!]

Nakahara Toshiaki-sensei from Home One Law Firm is in the studio, and they talked about a pretty serious case (I'll try to make a short summary, hopefully I got it right ^^;) A 18 years old fan sent a mail saying that her grandmother saved some money for her (it's about 2 million yen!) for the sake of her future education (university tuition fees etc). She's confused, because until now, her mother is in charge for her money (and education fee), so does she have any right to receive the money? Nakahara-sensei said she has the right to receive the money, and explained that if her grandmother directly said that she can use it by herself, then her mother has no right to manage the money. But actually she can wait until she's 20 years old  to receive the money and use them by herself.

The boys are still promoting their single, Sayonara ni Sayonara. And Massu announced the date and place of his upcoming butai, Strange Fruit.
Aracchi: For today, please wait a minute.
Massu: Yes yes, are?
Tegoshi: What's wrong Aracchi?
Aracchi: (seems like she's bringing up something) Yoisho. Today please have these!
Massu: (confused) Gyouza....IT'S GYOZAAA!
Tegoshi: WHOAAAAH, Honda, Kagawa, Okazaki!! (kept shouting and screaming some Japanese soccer players. I think Aracchi might give him a soccer newspaper?) Aaah Kamamoto, Kamamoto-saaaaaan!!
Massu: Can I eat this?!
Aracchi: (quickly reading the fanmail address while Tegomass being busy and noisy loooool)

Apparently, Aracchi received some fanmails about about how to make Tegomass well-behaved at the ending.
Aracchi: One of them suggested me to give Massu some gyoza and soccer-related stuffs for Tegoshi...
Tegoshi & Massu: "You're so naive!"
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: That's impossible because I'll keep talking about soccer!
Aracchi: AAAH, guess that's not good after all! So will you read the fanmail address next time?
Tegoshi: (in a funny voice) Yadayoooooo~*
Aracchi: Masuda-kun?
Massu: (in a funny voice too) Yadayooooo~
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Don't worry, our listeners are very nice, they'll try to find the address by themselves!
Massu: Our radio is very fun isn't it?
Tegoshi: It's FUUUUUUN! Chorisu, choriiiiiisu!
Massu: We'll keep trying every week!
Aracchi: Areee? Wait a minute!

*means "no way".

If only my school had a planetarium! It reminds me of an old manga calles Hokkyokusei ni Nage Kissu. LOLED at Massu thinking that he can pick some free grapes at school. And I wonder how long they'll keep teasing Aracchi like that x)

tegomass no radio

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