Cannonball Wedlock (2011)

Feb 17, 2013 19:42

Last Valentine's Day, finally I watched Yuririn's Konzen Tokkyuu (Cannonball Wedlock).
I'm so late, I know! [marry me!]

- The storyline is pretty funny: hey, it's a girl with 5 different boyfriends x)
- Love Yuririn's comical expression, her outfits in this movie (esp that yellow coat) and the way she recklessly drives her scooter. Vroom vroom!
- Kase Ryo is a handsome man as usual.
- Some cute kissing scenes.

- Some people will find that the leading role character is not lovable (basically she's a self-absorbed diva but call me bias I find it's cute and amusing)
- Some scenes are too slow-paced. But again, it's J-Movie ^^
- I need more Kase Ryo on screen.

Well, sometimes love is there but you just don't realize it...yet x)
I hope you had a nice Val's Day! ❤


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