Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing - Master List

Feb 07, 2010 02:05

Title: Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing
Word Count: 36,749
Pairing: Gen
Characters: Lots but mainly Adam, Kris, Cassidy, Katy, Lil, Neil, Leila, Brad
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This exists in the same land as the Clangers. Only difference is I wish they were real whereas this....definitely do not wish it was real.

Warning: This fic revolves around a homophobic attack and the fall out from that. Therefore, in different chapters along the way there is: violence, drug abuse, threat of sexual volence, and lots and lots of angst.

Summery: One event can change the life of everyone involved. It's an idea that everyone knows but it's not something anyone actually understands until it happens to them.

Okay, so this fic was written over a period of almost two months and was placed on my journal as I was writing it. Stylistically it has been influenced by Memento, Irreversible, the Firefly episode ‘Out of Gas’ and more than anything Rashômon. So, for those of you who don’t know any of those this means that the timeline is all over the place.

Chapter 26 is the chapter of the attack so I’m just going to point that out as that chapter is very very violent and contains the threat of sexual violence. There isn’t any but the threat is there. I just want people to be aware.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Epilogue

As I have been asked which order, if you were reading chronologically, the chapters go in here they are. Chapter 28 intercuts with several of them so that’s why that is listed many times. However, I really didn't intend for this story to be read in this order so it doesn't really work this way. It's here purely out of interest for those who are :D

Part 2, Part 7, Part 12, Part 16, Part 22, Part 26, Part 28, Part 3, Part 6, Part 28, Part 9, Part 28, Part 11, Part 15, Part 28, Part 17, Part 28, Part 19, Part 28, Part 1, Part 13, Part 5, Part 18, Part 28, Part 8, Part 21, Part 28 (both the next two bits), Part 23, Part 28, Part 25, Part 4, Part 28, Part 29, Part 20, Part 10, Part 24, Part 27, Part 14, Epilogue


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