Hey all! *waves both of hands*
Okay, it's pretty weird if you read my story or pass my journal or whatever but we don't know each other. And I don't be friend with random people. Maybe, it will take time for me replying all your introductions. But, I swear I'll reply you all! So, how about we know each other first and be friends?
#Your name?
#Anything you want to tell me?
I'll tell myself first.
My name is cheesekey in AFF(I made a new account). But, I prefer to be called Key here. Err, it's pronounced kei not ki like we pronounce key. Oh, well...
OTP(s)? MANY! Kkk...But the first OTP is MiNew (or OnHo. Whatever, the main thing is top!Minho) and the second is SiHan and the third is KyuMin and the fourth is TaecSu and the fifth is NakaMe.
Biases...also MANY! Almost all K-Pop, J-Pop and C-Pop male artists are my biases LMAO! But the five topmost are Onew, Hangeng, Sungmin, Junsu(2PM) and Tegoshi Yuya.
I'm Japan-Indonesia blooded. But, I'm Indonesian.
Age...Ng...I'm still young I swear! I'm 93liner!
Any random thing that I want to tell you?
I'm A HUGE yaoi shipper!(But, it depends on the pairing too of course) And have like mountains of OTPs! Thank you :D