Mar 24, 2009 09:02
a weekend happened, and i guess it was a good one. a lot was worked out on my part ranging from repairing old friendships to becoming a lot calmer about grad school. the majority of this was done by napping on the couch for almost two days - apparently what i needed was just a little time to relax instead of nervously running from place to place and not having time to think.
t-minus six days to moving day...a downside of sitting on my bum for two days is that now i'm feeling a little pressure to finish packing on time. but like i said, i am more in the mood to not sweat things than i was last week. yay!
i had a pretty terrible dream about a disgusting man who wanted to hurt me so much that it made me throw myself off a cliff as a better alternative. as i was falling i thought to myself, 'but i'm not a hooker', and water appeared everywhere, allowing me to survive the fall and swim to the caribbean, from whence i hiked to dulles international airport.
i also dreamt about snickers.