Dec 15, 2005 15:18
Tis the season to be jolly. BAH HUMBUG. So not in the holiday spirit yet. All my shopping is nearly done but I just cannot get in the spirit. It does not help that events in the recent past are still front and center in my mind. It also does not help that I feel alone though I am not. I normally love this time of year but I am not to keen on it right now. MAYBE when I get my tree I will be slightly better BUT not that I can see for now. I wish that things were different. I wish that I had never met certain people I wish I was somewhere else. I think work wise I would be where I am but relationship wise is a completely different story.
What else suxs right now is that I hate this time of year at work. BASKETBALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL. We run 32 teams outa my center and so that means a million kids and a million parents and many coaches. And right now we are trying to schedule practices for winter break and it is DRIVING US INSANE. Most coaches are being AWSOME but a select few I am ready to kill. And the one A-Hole of them all is actually being REALLY cool. SO hmmm interesting.