Two Memes

Aug 08, 2007 09:53

The Blogalyser reveals...
Your blog/web page text has an overall readability index of 15.
This suggests that your writing style is conventional
(to communicate well you should aim for a figure between 10 and 20).
Your blog has 18 sentences per entry, which suggests your general message is distinguished by verbosity
(writing for the web should be concise).




Your text shows characteristics which are 54% male and 46% female
(for more information see the Gender Genie).
Looking at pronoun indicators, you write mainly about yourself, then the world in general and finally your social circle. Also, your writing focuses primarily on the present, next the past and lastly the future.

Find out what your blogging style is like!

-- (via ufo9) --

Two Names You Go By:
1. Matt
2. Mongoose

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. My sweet brown phoenix shirt
2. My new favorite pair of shorts: comfy camo cargos

Two Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:
1. Love
2. Respect

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. Swim
2. Listen to new music

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. An apartment
2. An orange-vanilla smoothie

Two things you did last night:
1. Watched a documentary with Adam on gay Christian pop singers
2. Worked on assembling Christi + Rocky's wedding invitations at their apartment

Two things you ate today:
1. Cheez-Its
2. Water

Last Two People You Talked To:
1. Adam (sitting next to me)
2. Marcella (on the phone)

Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow:
1. Having lunch with Aunt Nea and Zachary
2. Working on my final Tech Writing project, due Friday

Two longest car rides:
1. Glendale, AZ -> Rochester, NY (2,310 miles)
2. Rochester, NY -> Ft. Myers Beach, FL (1,450 miles)

Two favorite holidays:
1. Halloween
2. Chrismakwanzaka

Two Favorite Beverages:
1. Orange Juice
2. Root Beer

Two Things About Me You May Not Have Known:
1. When I was little I insisted on being called "Skippy" after the young rabbit in "Robin Hood"
2. I have never seen "Forest Gump"

Two Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Donnie Darko
2. The Incredibles

Two Places I have lived:
1. Honeoye Falls, NY
2. Henrietta, NY

Two of my Favorite Foods:
1. Salmon
2. Corn Bread

Two Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. Estero Island
2. Back in Adam's bed

-- (via tenthz and copperlegend) --


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