I had to sneak out of the house, it didn't have anything to do with Willow or Tara, I just had things I needed to do now. There have been several nights that I have snuck out unnoticed, I wondered if Willow had her suspions. More than likely not, she is celebrating the arrival of Tara. I would be too if I didn't have my duty to protect the innocent, it was Buffy's job I know but I'm just filling in while she's gone. I opened the gates of the cemetery and slowly walked in, something pricked my finger as I shut it back, it drew some blood but not much. They so totally need to fix that rusty old fence.
This place had been pretty dead for a while, not a lot of vamps rolling around, just a few here are there. I had read in the paper this morning of a mysterious death with two marks on some guys neck, and that could mean only one thing obviously. I've learned a few moves from watching Buffy and even by myself I was getting better. Of course there is the occasional bruise here are there. One Time I almost thought I broke my arm, this crazy vamp threw me against a tombstone.
I had to find this guy's grave, which was harder than it looks. There are like a billion tombstones out there and some of them are unmarked. They could of buried him on the west wing, but for some reason I thought about the east wing. Call it a hunch or whatever but deep down inside I totally knew where he was. There was also the sign that said 'Marc Tennith's funeral this way' but I still thought it was more a hunch than anything.
After about a half an hour I realized I was lost, if only this didn't happen every week I might be able to get some slayage in. I stopped for a moment as I thought I heard a growl. It could of been just the wind but in cemeteries I tend to think of things with fangs. I continued walking and kept my ears open for anything. I jumped as I heard a twig break in the background.
It probably wasn't the best time to say hello the the creatures of the night but it could of been anybody. It could of been..Spike. I shuttered as I thought of his name, I've vowed to never even think of him and now at this moment he was the only thing that popped into my head. My attention however quickly changed as the tall dark and blood thirsty popped out of a tree. I reached in my coat for the stake but kept my eyes on him.
"So let me guess, You Tarzan..and Me 'getting ready to stake you' Jane!"
I watched him charge at me, I knew taunting him right before probably wasn't the best thing but it's what Buffy always did. As he jumped for me I threw myself to the ground. I'd seen Buffy take the vamps from set location A to set location B, sort of like her own turf. I ran over to an open spot as I could sense him chasing after me. Again he tried to jump me but I had to dodge quickly.
"that all you got?"
He jumped back up pretty quickly and I didn't see his hand coming straight for me. He hit me in the stomach and grabbed me by the hair. I tried to jerk away the best way I knew how and I ended up kicking him in between his legs. That's always another weakness they have or well more so the boy vamps than the girls. As I watched him bend down, I quickly jumped up and was getting ready to kick him. Before I could actually hit him, he grabbed my leg and threw me against the ground. He was quick, faster than the others were.
He was on top of me before I knew it. I tried to move the stake in my hand but he was too strong. He had me pinned down just right to where I couldn't move. I tried harder than before and still nothing. I felt his fangs lightly brush up against my neck and I let out a scream before shoving my head into his. He didn't let go and again it was back to the same problem.