I had this idea yesterday, after looking at my three little steampunk pumpkins from AC Moore. Balancing the pumpkin on the two dolls' hands was really, really challenging and I still can't believe they actually held it long enough for me to get a decent picture. I wish the leaves were a little more vibrant, but it's been rainy. I'm just happy to be able to get outside when the weather's iffy. I sure do hope this October dries up soon though.
Taking pictures of Theodora always makes me wish the Imperium Park line had lasted a little longer. I mean, I suppose my wallet is glad it didn't, but still. The line had such potential. And I'm still in shock that I was able to get my order in fast enough to get Dorothea. And I swear reversing the name "Theodora" into "Dorothea" was completely unintentional and I didn't realize until after.