a random, drunk update

May 28, 2005 00:45

i just spent a good amount of time trying to figure out my password... it turns out i was entering the wrong username... i'm drunk gimme a break.

i figured since it's been a while, i'd upate. everyone who wants to get in contact with me has my phone number, but i'm moving july first so everyone who wants my new number will have to email me or post me to let me know. i'll porbably end up calling the people i know will appreciate the number and giving it to them.

things have been getting intense (in a good way) with jay and i. if we had the cash, we'd be hitched already and we're already thinking about baby names (and no, i'm not preggo... yet). so all and all, things are good. cash is tight (but when's it not) but all is good.

man i'm drunk and damn does it feel good...

alright, i'm good enjoy being a dope for now so if you want to know details, call me! tootles folks! and remember, enjoy what life gives you!!

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