sick and pms-ing

Oct 14, 2004 10:28

i'm kinda sid i didn't get to see everyone last night. melinda, how was it? how were you dressed? and did you end up doing you hair how you wanted??

i spent the night in, watched a bit of smallville, took a well needed shower, watched a bit more of smallville, then watched lost. not a bad show.

i got worken up a whole bunch of times by the cat (who i ended up locking in the bathroom). i wanted to beat him; i caught him just before he pooped on jay's transformer jersey. then i slept with toilet paper shoved up my nose for part of the night so i didn't have snot drip down my face. i was hot, i was cold, i was unccomfortable, the cat was meowing, and jay was snoring. i need sleep.

today i feel shitty as ever. my nose is leaking and now my eyes are leaking too. i ain't gettin shit done at work and if they don't like it, the can lick my cat's litter bowl.

i feel like there's some big guy just squeezing my head an dmaking my sinuses drip wherever they can. it's gross too. dude, speaking of gros, i look fucking disgusting as well!! how the hell am i supposed to pose all hot for philly's hottest cleavage? well, at least i'm doing it at home with my momma's digital camera...

i'm gonna go make some tea...
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