Aug 20, 2004 14:23
Like I told Melinda: I am yay.
I’m in a good mood today; much better than the past two days. I’ve also been more ‘in tune’ the past couple days. I’m blaming it on my period. Yeah, like it’s a bad thing…
Yeah, not only did I get my period yesterday, but I had to go to dinner at jay’s mom’s house. Let’s just say I wasn’t looking forward to it. I had a bad feeling about going and I even stalled by gathering up the trash and just generally taking very long to do anything before we left.
So we got there and ate dinner and got eaten by mosquitoes. Had normal chit-chat then jay’s brother and mom started arguing. Gah, I don’t wanna hear that…
Then it turns to Jay. He got pounded by his mom and step dad.
The only thing that kept going through my head was: “I don’t want to be here…” Especially when one of them referenced to me. I was so very uncomfortable, but I knew I had to be there.
It was odd, I knew I would have just not gone cause I knew it wasn’t going to be good, but I knew I had to go… odd…
Anywho, before I keep on rambling and eventually get committed…
So I’m happy today because, firstly, I woke up that way. Secondly, I won an out of print tarot deck on ebay and it came in along with some ginseng I won. Thirdly, I’m very yay cause it’s FRIDAY!!! And on Monday and Tuesday jay and I are going to the shore. Ocean City, NJ.
Yay! Shore! I hope it doesn’t rain… well, too much at least.
Well, back to work for now! Going home in like an hour! Yippie!