my life -- well the exciting and fun stuff

Feb 24, 2005 16:58

ok so tuesday belcrofters had the adjudication at north penn.  after school, my car *me, john, johnny shields, andrew nelson, and plunkett* went to panera for some dinner.  we took over the back room and a ball!  one member had some amazing farts (smelly too) ::cough cough freshman cough:: hahaha, well it was amusing.  oh johnny shields & i put in funny names to be announced to; he was "shieldsy" and i was "pedro" twas fun.  our lil frosh also had some fun with straws and blowing them.  a few of us walked into a lamp, amusing-ness.  after panera, we went to FIVEBELOW.  hahahahaha well almost all of us bougth wrist bands with a 4 leaf clovers on them! HELL YES! pladunkadunk also bought some toe socks.   unfortunately they didnt fit.  also its sad to say but fivebelow does haven't mardi gras beads. DAMNIT! but yea fun night! saw a ton of kids i never see which was awesome! we sang pretty crappily but everyone else was pretty good.  especially HH *yay districts friends & a stupid skank ho* oook what else....

NUMA NUMA! thats what else! we listened to this all day and the played it at the dance after! wow good times! i <3 that song and that overweight guy! wow! if u havent seen -->

in other news! mr. mark norman *my chorus teacher* has recently started a xanga you should all go too! it kinda makes me happy thats he's finally getting in with the cool kids with their online journals! -->

ummm i guess thats it for today

ps we got out of school early today cuz of snow! i forgot! yay! oh snow, how i hate thee but love some of your effects on the world!
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