Nov 01, 2004 01:18
So, my first entry and you get to witness me bitching. We spent the day preparing for a halloween party, and waited all night (after turning down invites from other people to go out) for the people that we invited to not show up! Why do i bother talking to folks anymore? All it seems to get me is a load of frustration, and time wasted.
O.K. I'm done. Feels a little better. It was disappointing that we bought about ninety dollars worth of candy and only got four trick-or-treaters, count them.......1.....2.....3.....4.....thats not a complaint. I don't blame the neighborhood children for not showing up, but it would have been fun. I just finished the last book in the Dark Tower series, and that bums me out, although.....i expected the ending a little too completely. I feel like a part of my life has ended with the story though, and I wonder.....whats next?