Jun 11, 2011 07:07
I love the fog. I have said it before, I will say it a million more times. I love the fog. I love to drive in it, I love to walk in it, I love to look at the elements surrounding me when bathed in it. Fog makes everything softer, muted, and ethereal. In my head, I like to pretend that if I were to walk far enough, I would walk right out of this world and into a different one; one filled with magic and monsters and grand adventures. Unfortunately, that walk has to be taken when the fog is just right, and time has stuck, and you must pass between the boughs of the appropriate trees...and all that rot. You either know the exact formula and can master the transfer, or you are a stumbling doofus and you fall into it.
Dammit Stu is outside right now. He's grumbling at me because I am not also outside. He doesn't understand that a computer doesn't like the fog as much as I do. For the most part, being restrained has saved my pond from the beast of a dog; my yard on the other hand suffers pits of ankle breaking proportions. I'm not sure what he thinks he's after (aside from a stern barking out by me) but he is giving it his best shot.
T8 is sleeping, all snuggled in the bed. He was still all wound up when we decided to go to sleep around 10. Due to the rain he didn't get as much exercise as normal. He wasn't exhausted for a change. He decided to tell me the beginning story to Mario Super Stars or some such game he's been playing. Bowser is apparently his friend in this one...I told him it was a trap. He didn't believe me, and I could be wrong; I've never played that game. I'm anxious for the newest Zelda to come out. I hope I'm able to complete it in less than 91 hours.
This week at work was a blessing. I have been able to clean up my desk and focus on projects that I need to do but can't address because of the items that crop up. I'm hoping that next week is much of the same, but if not, I am thanking the good Lord for the respite.
Actually, there has been a number of blessings bestowed around the family of late. It brings joy to my heart to see the furrow removing itself from Aunt Stodgey's forehead. Granted, we are in the midst of another spell with an ailing, loved family friend...but Aunt Stodgey was designed for this kind of care, whether she realizes it or not. Her cheery disposition, her words of encouragement and diligent attention to the needs of others fits her perfectly into the caretending shoes. I hope that I'm half as good at this when she needs it. A boatload of well times blessings have befallen her and Joe and I'm so very happy for them.
I'm toying with the idea of going vegetarian again. Beef I can give up in a hearbeat. It's a shame that chicken is so delicious. Give me a few months and I will be sick of chicken as well. That's how it progressed the first time around. My head said, "Yep, you're done with beef" and I said, fine, whatever. After a couple months of chicken as the mainstay of meats the head said..."yeah....you're done with this too." I never was overly big on fish - so I was then quite vegetarian, for a number of years. I know I enjoy it....so I'm thinking it over. I brought it up to Chris. He's funny. He's actually trying to healthier (like me) and finds he's enjoying it. I think he would be willing to try going veggie. He really likes a steak though. And we both really love wings. More thought is needed.
The relationship mechanics are pretty neat. I love that Chris is bringing things up to me, even though he knows it may not make me happy. He isn't doing it to be cruel, but with the understanding that were I to find out on my own, the consequences would be an injury to the trust I have been able to develop towards him. Trust...that's a big word for me. I hold very little of it for most folks but myself and that I have been able to develop a sense of trust towards him is amazing to me. I'm greatful he understands how fragile and integral it is. There remains no doubt that we were placed together for a purpose, and if God's only purpose is that we are to live the second half of our lives with someone who we love and admire, I'm overwhelmingly greatful. Flying solo is wonderful too, but knowing that I don't have to lifts a weight I didn't realize was even there.
Oh well...getting sappy and stupid again. Three months, I will be a wife. Weird.
Happy Sabbath.