Jan 04, 2011 13:10
Goodbye 2010 - you were a good-ish year.
Uncle Rick passes - RIP
Cousin Mike gets married - Hooray
I get a dog and name him Stuart - naughty dog
I install a small pond, patio, tree house, and multiple plantings - good stuff that
I acquire fish for small pond and some of them survive
Agent Cooper the frog decides to take up residence in my pond
The Giant, another frog, stays a while as well but mysteriously vanishes
T8 insists on getting a house fish and names it Rocket - i still don't like it
I de-mold and take steps toward mold prevetion in my basement - it's still a mess though
I enjoy the summer, for a change
I lose 30 lbs in effort to decrease my chances of getting diabetes
I am reintroduced to man of my dreams
Learn that he is indeed the man of my dreams
Finally accept the same, and accept proposal of marriage
T8 is in the second grade
I do NOT have a breakdown in December of 2010 as a result of too much going on in life and at work - this is a landmark.
There are a ton of little things I would celebrate or endeavor to remember, however these major items are the ones I do not think I should forget.
2011 holds...so much promise.
I'm looking forward to working with you 2011. What an exciting adventure you promise.
now...back to work.