Dec 14, 2010 11:58

Vanessa’s on the warpath…look-out.
Actually, it’s less of a warpath, and more of “this is really irritating, doesn’t make any sense, and why can’t it just be easy?” path.

I find out, through sources to remain unknown, that I have a co-worker stalker who is monitoring my facebook activities and reporting these activities to “higher ups.” Because I’m clearly a threat to the safety and security of my company and obviously do not value my job…if you missed that - it was sarcasm. This irritates me for a number of reasons, the first of which is I’m totally PMS-ing and everything irritates me right now. That aside, even if I weren’t in a questionable state of mind, I would be irritated by this wolf in sheep’s clothing act.

I’m generally pretty trusting, even if somewhat reservedly so. If I friend you, it’s because I honestly think you are pretty cool and worthy of what little attention I am able to provide. I don’t operate under the mistaken notion that it’s reciprocated, but it certainly doesn’t cross my mind that you are going to use my activities as fodder for possible job loss, or to poison my bosses into thinking I’m a slacker.

NOTE: I’m the furthest thing from a slacker. Keep it in mind. I have boundless levels of energy which I have issues containing upon occasion, so much so that I literally drop from exhaustion in the evening having worn myself out completely from my activities throughout the day.

So, I’m forced to write WTF? I mean seriously. Now it’s burning in me to find the motivation behind the actions. If you don’t like me…fine, it’s most certainly mutual (now), but this is a business environment and you don’t always like everyone. That’s the way the world works (most people learn this early in life…catch up please). However, despite the personal feelings one has for co-workers, it isn’t in the best interest of the company, or our clients to create this type of animosity amongst the ranks. It’s counter-productive, childish, and a waste of time (let’s discuss slackers now, shall we).

Digression: How is it, that one as busy as this party is reputed to be, has the time to stalk my actions? One would assume they are hanging out on the social media just as much, if not MORE than I am. May I point out I do this during my lunch break and a brief 15 minute break or two, to clear my head from the more troubling aspects of my job. I am allowed these breaks, and can use that time as I see fit. I don’t use it formulate how I can sabotage my coworkers plans in an effort to boost my own imagined superiority (however in my case I am superior and this is part of why I don’t need to do this).

I may never know the reasoning behind these actions. I write more of a warning to the rest of my trusted team to beware. Someone out there is watching (paranoid much??) and reporting, believe it or not. I have eliminated parties I find I do not trust from my friends listing, as well as have increased my site security. Another naïve innocent is torn asunder by the corruptive forces of jealousy and corporate politics. It sucks.

Ignorant She-Dog. (this is not at all nice, I feel a little better having typed it, but I’m very much not proud of myself for even thinking it.)

Tomorrow, this will all be very funny to me.
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