Aug 25, 2003 21:39
I've been feeling out of it all day today. Not like normal, whilst living with ADD, but more like, I only see and hear half of what's going on. And it feels like crap. It started this morning when I lost all track of time in the shower and got out 15 minutes later than I was supposed to. Thankfully I get up early, so I have leeway, but I still had to hurry up because that was all the leeway I had.
So when I get to school, this fucktard is in my parking space. The parking space I paid for and reserved at the beginning of the school year. The parking spot that correlates to the decal on my windshield. He was getting out of his car (in my spot) and I pulled up next to my spot. The guy comes over to me (without looking at the spot number and says) "This is your spot? Oh, I just now noticed!" Which I would have believed because I'm in 108 and he's in 180, but I saw him in HIS spot the first day.
First period went by smoothly. Watched a part of the Legend of Bagger Vance and read my books on Japanese. Finished the homework that was SUPPOSED to be due on Thursday in 10 seconds flat.
2nd period was boring. Econ/Government requires NO thought whatsoever.
3rd period Latin! Yay! My favorite class! I slacked off, being that I felt like crap, and Mrs. Gilbert got on to me many times. Me and the Saint of the Internet (Alain/Kai) had a discussion about Citizen: Kabuto. Fun game. You should try it.
4th period is Health. I decided that I'd do my health project on the Black Death, and ways to prevent it, and how it affected the medieval period.
Oh, well. I'm tired. Sleepy sleepy goodnight.