murther! cold blooded murther!

Jul 01, 2009 16:19

an unidentified subject, with a something, in the GARDEN.

Yes, that's right. Some evil creature brutally attacked my lovely little cucumber plant, and left it bedraggled and trampled in the dirt. I tried to resuscitate it, but i have my doubts about it taking. the poor little thing. it hadn't lived long enough to offend anyone. *sniff*

in other news, the beans seem to be doing well, as well as one squash plant. peppers have yet to make an appearance, along with tomatoes and chives. the basil plants are much happier when i water them, but the sage doesn't seem to care. the bay seems... stuck. i don't think anything has happened to it since i planted it. huh. i should take some photos to confirm or deny that.


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