Colin had a party at his place Tuesday night to bolster our morale after
the crane incident. There was plenty of beer and revelry to be had. Shane is good at Halo. I'm getting better (or maybe it's relative). Matt and Niraj were present, to prove they are, indeed, badass motherfuckers. Hartwell sprained his arm earlier in the morning (unloading the parts of the crane from the grip truck) and was wearing a sling. By the end of the night, he had discarded the sling entirely, for a reason no one is quite sure of.
Also, Drunken F-Zero Time Trials are pretty much the best way to celebrate anything, and also to assert your status of "awesome dude".
Preview: Pre-production is kicking in on
Colure's thesis, a 'Nam-era war movie. I'm the
art director, Niraj (aforementioned badass motherfucking Marine) is the
production designer. We're going to make some kickass PD, so there will be a shit-ton of pictures when we finish filming. Anticipate it.
As I've alluded, due to sudden (and somewhat coincidental) circumstances, I have an excess of finances. Conventional wisdom would suggest I save this money for things I will possibly need down the line (car repair, bills, my F3, unforeseen incidents). Instinct is insisting I spend this money on things I want which may or may not be egregious (movies, video games, a Mac, etc.) I am genuinely torn, and I feel compelled to horde as much as possible, for no other reason than to have it. I guess if I had to pick a factor, it would be my F3. Or the Mac.
I'm working on a based-on-true-events, period piece set in 1980s Russia. It's all interior, meaning I will drive my PD team crazy in regards to accuracy, which can get expensive. If I shoot in the spring, I can use the excess financial aid from fall '06 and spring '07, and that could alleviate it. But, then again, I've never been known to think rationally in regards to money.
I've made it known to both of my parents that a Mac would help me immensely (not a lie; we use Macs at the film school, and it would be nice to have the ability to work on things outside of the film school) and my father has mentioned he will help me out towards the fall, when I figure I'll finally be ready to buy one, while my mother has pretty much given me enough to buy one now (which worries me, but I'm going to get into that just yet). Not that I won't use the money for the computer, but...I don't know. I just feel awkward about the whole thing.
As I mentioned before, I bought a PSP and the only reason I feel like returning it is to save the money. But I'm also compelled to keep it (and buy a slimline PS2) just because I want to and I can. I mean, what is good is money if you don't spend it? And yet, I fear somewhere down the line, I will totally need the money for something important and I won't have it. (I went through this same buyer's guilt after buying my iPod, but I got over it...but this time could be different.)
The key here is hesitation. Wavering commitment. Lack of confidence. I cannot, for the life of me, make a fucking decision, because I will regret either one I choose. If I buy the stuff I want, I'll regret it when I need the money, and if I don't buy anything, I'll keep wanting the stuff.
Lost season finale was awesome.
I missed the Alias series finale.
A bunch of us watched
Heat last night (after spending God-knows-how-long finally getting everything in Mix A to work). Awesome movie, but also very long.
The Saboteurs is such a cooler name than The Raconteurs. They should use it everywhere.
I feel the light, almost giddy, elation of anticipation yet again. Anxious anticipation, however, because I've never really done this (each previous circumstance had its unique kinks), and I fear I will stumble miserably. I have no idea how to go about this. Hopefully, I can get some good advice from those nearby and finally complete what I set out to do in the first place.
(I'm only being vague to avoid jinxing myself, if you will. I hesitate to speak too soon, so I'll leave the details for a point of conclusion.)
I need to go get ready for Colure's director's prep.