Nov 29, 2004 21:47 Kirsten's excerpt from the nice guy thing...god damnit. Well I made another female friend today...I offer support I give support...I think maybe there is a chance something will happen, but it doesn't. But oh well...
Wrestling- Tongight I was a wrestling was scary. But i accidently gave a teammate a conncussion and I almost broke someone's leg and someone's rib cage... But I did really well! If i hold back I won't get I can't hold back my strength. I just have to hope nothing bad happens. I was soo frustrated today...i'm sick of being lonely! So wrestling really helps as an output...and even after i twisted my knee and ankle and just kept going! Adrenaline loves me...I did scare someone tongiht which felt kinda nice for once because there was a good reason for it.
Well i have a lot of homework sooo adios.