My Bioshock adventure part 1: Welcome to Rapture, sort of

Aug 19, 2011 13:24

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

Ok. I started up the game (good grief, that Xbox is loud!). Watched the first intro bit. Swam to shore while cursing the controls (alas, no invert X-axis, but hopefully I’ll get used to it eventually). Went inside. Got in the pod thing. Watched another intro bit. Enjoying myself so far, even though the deep sea kinda freaks me out. Also, whales. They freak me out a little bit because of their SIZE.

And then the game starts, I suppose, with a splicer attacking my pod. This is where I turned off the game because the thought of something attacking me while I haven’t gotten the hang of the controls kinda scared me.

It sounds even more pathetic when I write about it than it was when it happened, I swear. Also, I realise that this entry is sort of more about whales than it is about the game, but that will change. I hope.

bioshock, fps, my bioshock adventure, video games, rapture, xbox 360

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