1. Write at least a paragraph discussing the prompt you were given. (feel free to be creative and add images, vids, anything)
2. Tag one person, (just one) with a prompt. (has to be something your f-list might feels comfortable discussing)
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you.
My PROMPT: "Your first."
This is a hard one, but since it's open to interpretation, i'll just talk about my first kiss. To put it simply. It was disgusting. I was in 6th grade and my first so-called boyfriend was the class valedictorian. He was a full time nerd, chinese and has no sense of humor. What attracted me to him was/is his intelligence. I have a thing for boys with brains. I remember he wore glasses to read and has this weird habit of twirling his hair with his forefinger. I think we got together because we were partners for one project and one thing led to another and before we even knew it, we were kissing in his room. It was so LOL, his lips got cut because it got stuck in my braces and we ended up trying to pull it off and there was blood everywhere and honestly,. I can't even remember the taste of my first kiss. I think I swallowed his blood more.
When I look back on it now, it's probably one of those "What the f***!" moments in my life which I want to forget but never will. God, I can't believe I went through that phase.
princess_rei09 Your PROMPT: Write about one of your flist. (Doesn't have to be anyone I know)