Ok, the zoo was alright, besides the fact that we were in Jacksonville, Florida with a lot of stinky animals and no penguins.
And might I add that there weren't any penguins?
But the majority of the zoo was of birds. BIRDS. Can't get enough of birds, can you?
We also had an Astralian tour guide.
Surprisingly, I managed to take a picture of him before he went a restled a crocodile and started talking about lizards.
I especially liked the train ride, jeez, I never knew of what a site you could get of the animals on a train ride around the zoo. Like the back of cages and a cement wall with monkeys painted on it. Fuck the zoo train...
All in all, the zoo was okay, the ride back was better than the ride there. On the ride there everyone was calling me the stupid hiena when we were watching Lion King. What the hell? As if I look like that, with my tongue hanging out and such.
Scott was stoned on the bus. How cool is he? Super cool, I must say.
Alright, now onto a different subject, perhaps..Nick's kindve-surprise party.
It was okay, not the most fun for me. I brought like 7 cases of AMP which cost me like 40 bucks, hah. So of course, I drank like 10. Shannon and Nick kissed, finally. whoopy.
And then I got some of William's dirty underware and rubbed it in Sam's face. Maybe that should've happened to Sean instead.
They tried to declothe Nick, but he ran up to the bathroom and hid in the shower, what a pussy. Then he cried about leaving, what a pussy. I mean..I'll miss you Nick.:-)
Both of the Cantrells got hurt. And yes, of course, I hurt one of them. William, that is. Because he's a dirty-ass spider smusher. He deserved to be punched a little below the diafram. And then he skipped away like a pussy into the house.
Oh. Em. Gee.
And then we played truth or dare. WTF? I don't know whose idea it was, I am assuming it was Emma's, but people played anyway. But of course I didn't, I sat in the chair and was playing with Laura's phone while drinking my like 9th can of horse piss.
Sadly, there are no pictures of the shindig.
[closing statement] Whatev. [/closing statement]
P.s. I also noticed when I was sitting on William's couch that..
my feet do not touch the ground. Is this normal for a person 13 of age?
P.s.s. Laura Dixon is infact, a dyke.